aim high and treat everyone with honesty and gentleness Aiming for Excellence - Being The Best We Can Be St Robert Southwell PE Following Jesus’ footsteps and inspired by St Robert Southwell we work hard, aim high and treat everyone with honesty and gentleness
Context I have a BSc in Sports and Exercise Management. I have been working as PE lead for just over 1 year. Since September 2017 I have been working independently. Keep Fit class for staff GoNoodle Body Coach Fitness Week Updated diagnostic Wheel- London Sport- mentor John I’Anson Partnership with Watford FC Carry out Questionnaire Year 1-6 Skip2BeFit A-Life Healthy and PE training for 35 staff Attend training for Active Leaders, Youth Sports Training. Identify requirements for AfPE, Healthy Schools Award, Schools Games. Appoint new Sports Leaders.
Curriculum links How does your subject link to the Creative Curriculum? Encourage use of GoNoodle across the whole school- accessible to all. Encouraging healthy eating and an active lifestyle supports PSHCE. Premier League Primary Stars partnership with Watford FC support closing the gap in reading and writing (Year 4). Move and Learn Programme with Watford FC also supports this (Year 5)
Positive aspects of your subject across the school Example of learning: Questionnaire identified children’s love and enjoyment of PE. It also showed they felt safe during PE lessons. Uptake of girl’s sport, in particular, the Girl’s Football Team. Opportunity to try an adventurous sport Year 1-5 Sports Leaders enjoy their role and take pride in leading. Variety of Sports coaches enables the children to have access to a wide range of sports. Support/ up skilling of staff
Data In all classes 90 % of children are meeting or exceeding expectations in 2017.
Level Of Enjoyment
Reason why you enjoy PE? It’s fun! It makes you fitter and stronger. We play lots of exciting games. PE challenges me. We do lots of different sports/ activities.
Confident in PE?
Do you feel safe during PE Lessons?
Do you attend before/after school club?
If so, what club?
Do You Play Any Sport/Activity Outside of School?
What Sport Outside School?
Most/Least Favourite Sports KS1: Most favourite: Football, GAA, Tennis Basketball, Swimming, Dancing Least favourite: Skipping, Golf, running KS2: Most favourite: Football, swimming, GAA, Gymnastics Least favourite: Cricket, Baseball, Golf
Do you know what day you have PE?
How Can we make PE in School better? Having a swimming pool in the school! More time for PE. Being allowed to play Tag Rugby. Playing Javelin and Shot Put Throw. Having a gymnastics club. More equipment to play with.
What do you play at lunch and break time? Catching/ running games Dancing Using the bars, mats and tyres- gymnastics Football and headers Talk to my friends Colouring
Can you swim 25 meters?
Trends The data shows that children in KS2 attend more before and after school clubs. Football and swimming is the most sports participated in outside of school in both KS1 and KS2. Football, tennis, cricket and drama are the most attended before and after school clubs. Almost all children in KS1 and KS2 feel safe and confident during PE lessons. The majority of children in both KS1 and KS2 enjoy most or all of their PE lessons.
Areas for development 1. Link learning objectives to year groups: Year 1 & 2- dance, team games, simple tactics, attacking and defending, basics movements (running, jumping, throwing, catching, balance agility, co-ordination) Year3- 6 – running, jumping, throwing, catching, dance, outdoor adventurous activity. Swimming- year 5 Gymnastics- year 3 and 5 All of them will play competitive games eg: Badminton- year 3 Tennis- year 3-6 Basketball- year 4 Cricket & rounders- year 5 and 6 Football- playtimes and afterschool clubs Hockey- year 4 Netball- year 6 2. Assessment
Assessment KS1 PE Assessment Spreadsheet.xls
Action plan
Anything else The government Sports Funding is to be doubled from September 2017. We aim to use this money to ensure further improvements to PE and Sport provision in St Robert Southwell. The added funding should be used to: develop or add to the PE and sport activities that your school already offers build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years
Important Dates Friday 8th December 2017 FA PE training in Watford- EL, JA, CM January 8th 2018 Premier League Primary Stars with Watford FC starts- every Monday for 10 weeks Wednesday 17th January 2018 A-Life Healthy Workshop Years 1- 5 Staff training from 3:30-4:30pm Friday 26th January 2018 Skip2BeFit Day-Workshop and assembly Tuesday 20th February 2018 Sian from KHS coming to train new Sports Leaders (Schools Games Mark) Spring Term Move and Learn Programme for Year 5 to start (dates TBC) I am currently working towards finalising an adventurous activity for each Year group.