Developments in MISSOC website & communication MISSOC NETWORK MEETING Dublin, 15-16 May 2013 Developments in MISSOC website & communication Harald Hauben, Communication Expert
MISSOC communication and website October 2012 – improved MISSOC database publicly accessible at Period October 2012 – April 2013 Overview of website & communication activities: Usability improvements and refinements to website & database Update tables and information (July 2012 actualisation) Inclusion of archives Inclusion of feedback form for the Tables Promotion actions Development of Infographics 2
Usability improvement – restructuring information base page descriptive doormat to available information language choice on every page (also deeper pages) addition of archives and external resources
Usability improvement – search results page Country name above each cell (static) Indication of category each 4th column
Usability improvement – Excel export with frozen panes Fixed horizontal header (countries) Fixed vertical column (categories)
MISSOC promotion via ISSA & MISSCEO Mutual links
MISSOC promotion – via trESS trESS e-newsletter to 3.334 recipients trESS LinkedIn reaching 399 professionals trESS Facebook viewed by 103 persons trESS seminars 2013 reaching approx. 280 participants 7
MISSOC E-Newsletter Promotion actions E-newsletter: Link to e-newsletter subscription form on DG EMPL webpage Notifications of each new issue on trESS social media MISSOC E-newsletter March issue sent to 2.993 subscribers January: + 12 subscribers February: + 18 subscribers March: + 15 subscribers April: + 15 subscribers Currently 3.012 subscribers to the E-newsletter
Infographics - quick guide to MISSOC Slider on the homepage: the network
Infographics - quick guide to MISSOC Slider on the homepage: Information Base
Infographics - quick guide to MISSOC Slider on the homepage: XII tables
MISSOC website statistics 01/01/2013 – 31/03/2013 Visitors (3 months): 10.793 or 3.597/month Pageviews (3 months): 28.695 or 9.565/month
MISSOC website statistics 01/01/2013 – 31/03/2013 Most visited sections:
MISSOC website statistics 01/01/2013 – 31/03/2013 Traffic sources:
Call for support/ideas from MISSOC National Correspondents MISSOC communication – next steps Redesign of homepage (inclusion of infographics) Monitoring of feedback and continued refinements Continued promotion efforts Search engine optimisation Collaboration with other relevant projects and networks - Set-up of webring (links to): Call for support/ideas from MISSOC National Correspondents 1515