Updates in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Case Study: 37-Year-Old Man
Case Study: Diagnostics
Diagnostics (cont): Echocardiogram
Case Study: Tests to Rule Out Secondary Cause
Case Study: Noninvasive Summary
Case Study: Hemodynamics
Case Study: Risk Assessment
Case Study: Summary
Determinants of Prognosis in PAH
Treatment Strategy Options
Monotherapy Recommendations for PAH
Recommendations for Initial Combination Therapy
Initial Use of Ambrisentan + Tadalafil in PAH The AMBITION Trial
AMBITION Study Primary Endpoint* Results
Actual Treatment Plan
Why Not Simply “Stay the Course?”
French Registry
French Registry (cont)
French Registry: Survival Based on Number of Low-Risk Criteria Achieved at First Evaluation
French Registry BNP Subset Analysis
COMPERA Registry
Comprehensive Risk Stratification at Early Follow-Up Determines Prognosis
Summary of 3 European Studies
Sequential Combination Therapy Recommendations for WHO FC III PAH
Key Pathways Involved in Pathogenesis of PAH
Classes of Agents That Target Different Pathways in PAH
The PGI2 Pathway
Therapies Targeting the Prostacyclin Pathway
TRIUMPH Inhaled Treprostinil Added to Oral Monotherapy
FREEDOM Trials Oral Treprostinil
Recommendations for Treatment Escalation in Patient on Background ERA + PDE5I
GRIPHON Study Design
GRIPHON Primary Endpoint
GRIPHON Treatment Effect by Subgroup
Case Follow-Up
Primary Composite Endpoint in Patients Grouped by Prespecified Selexipag Individual Maintenance Dose vs Placebo
Combination Pharmacotherapy in PAH Rationale and Potential Clinical Benefits
Take-Home Points
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)