Program Manager, Resource Conservation and Resiliency (RCR) 2018 National Military Fish and Wildlife Association (NMFWA) Contemporary Research for Natural Resource Managers Kurt T. Preston, Ph.D. Program Manager, Resource Conservation and Resiliency (RCR) March 28, 2018
Session purpose: Discuss SERDP/ESTCP – RCR and (most important) provide a forum for presentation of representative projects conducted under the programs.
Program Area Management Structure Weapons Systems & Platforms Environmental Restoration Established by Congress High-priority environmental science and technology areas that address DoD unique issues Environmental issues with large costs ($, operational, goodwill) to DoD Resource Conservation & Resiliency Munitions Response
Resource Conservation & Resiliency (RC) Mission & Priorities Through investments in RDT&E develop and transition knowledge, tools, and technology to enhance DoD’s mission effectiveness though management of DoD’s natural infrastructure. Move away from S&T term
Four RC Strategic Goals Through RDT&E investments Maintain near and long term training and test capacity Minimize and prevent restrictions to training and testing today and in the future that arise from environmental regulations Manage the natural assets and mitigate the natural conditions that can impact installation infrastructure Ensure safe and heathy conditions on the installation
SERDP Technical Committees Program Process SERDP Technical Committees Army Navy Air Force DOE EPA Environmental Requirements Statements of Need Solicitations Proposals Funded Projects
Tuesday, November 27 – Thursday, November 29, 2018 Funding Opportunities Tuesday, November 27 – Thursday, November 29, 2018
First Speaker