Jim Sparks TECHNOLOGY Indiana Geographic Information Officer INDIANA OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY Office: (317) 234-5889 Cell: (317) 517-1879 100 North Senate Ave. N551 Government Center North Indianapolis, IN 46204 1
Broadband Mapping Aggregated wired and wireless service provision area. The yellow is where service is, the green earth is where service isn’t. (Screenshot from ESRI’s free ArcGIS Explorer software)
The preliminary broadband maps are two of the 230 geospatial data layers on the IndianaMap and are contained in the Infratructure/Other Infrastructure folder. An information box is automatically displayed when these layers are viewed that explains that these layers are preliminary. The information box also contains a link to our “crowdsourcing tool” (next slide) and requests the viewer to improve our data by providing information at that link (
This is our crowdsourcing tool, one of the methods that we are using to verify data from service providers. It was developed by The Polis Center at IUPUI. Other available verification methods involve: Comparing data to other public data Comparing data to third party data Using aerial photography to verify the existence of provider infrastructure Field checks
This image shows how an area of interest can be selected using the database. In the “Select by Attributes” box, I have constructed a query to select census blocks in which the Provider Name is Ligonier Telephone company AND the technology type is Asymmetric DSL. The census blocks that match the criteria are edged in red. The “Identify” box yields information about one of those selected census blocks.
IndianaMap Data Sharing Initiative 85 of 92 Counties have committed to initiative 73 counties have been harvested 6,725 Jurisdictional Boundaries 466,841 Street Centerlines Segments 2,143,072 Address Points 2,741,120 Land Parcels Can be viewed or download from the IndianaMap 6
Early Value These county data sets are planned components of: The New statewide State Police computer aided dispatch system The Secretary of the State’s “Who Are Your Legislators” application The Indiana Broadband Mapping project Our project team is currently working on harvesting the counties WFS connections and then publishing their data to the IndianaMap. Currently 67 of the 85 counties have provided IDHS with Web Feature Service URLs. Of these, we have harvested data for 60 counties and are working on the other 7. The current data on the IndianaMap includes 2,161 Jurisdictional Boundaries, 298,241 Street Centerline Segments, 1,229,788 Address Points, and 1,980,072 Parcels. 7
Next Steps Continue harvesting and publishing Identify quality and standards differences (IGIC Committees) Work toward resolving differences as it makes sense for each participating county. Is a road centerline the center of R/W or the center of pavement? 8
Next Steps - Bigger Picture Create a national address database and parcel map Employ crowd sourcing as another tool to keep data current Inverting the national geospatial funding model to facilitate rolling up to a national map 9
The Three Great Pyramids of Geographica Data Detail Data Development Funding Fed State Fed Fed Local State State One that shows data development – local gov at the bottom, fed at top, state in the middle One that shows amount of detail needed – big at bottom (local), narrow at the top (feds) One that shows budgets – narrow at the bottom (local gov), broad at the top (feds). We need to invert this one. Local Local 10
Ortho Program 3 year cycle, repeating program Buy-ups facilitated Menu: Orthophotography 18” 12” 3” LiDAR 2 ft contours 11 Jim Sparks TECHNOLOGY Indiana Geographic Information Officer INDIANA OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY Office: (317) 234-5889 Cell: (317) 517-1879 100 North Senate Ave. N551 Government Center North Indianapolis, IN 46204 12