Goodbye to Ahab Goodbye to Elijah Hello Elisha Update list of Kings & Prophets on wall. Have stickers put on finished books of 1st Kings & 1st Chronicles Chapters 19-22 Chapters 1-4 Goodbye to Ahab Goodbye to Elijah Hello Elisha
1 Kings 20 to 2 Kings 4 Puzzling it out Do Elijah and Elisha Crossword 1 Kings 20 to 2 Kings 4 Puzzling it out
These chapters have been filled with examples of those who chose to walk by faith - and those who haven’t. What will we choose? What if our government leaders made it difficult for US to worship God? How would we go on? Here’s a modern example: “You Can’t Close My Heart” Ghanaian Saints and the Freeze 10:07 min
Watch Here’s a modern example: “You Can’t Close My Heart” Ghanaian Saints and the Freeze 10:07 min