The Life of Abu Bakr By: Malak Serdah
Who was Abu Bakr? Abu Bakr was an honorable and well-liked merchant who was seeking a new religion and way of life. He became a Muslim and became Rasulullah’s best friend and believed him right away when the prophet said Allah chose him as his messenger .
Abu Bakar’s devotion to Islam During his life, he brought many people to Islam, through his conviction. He used to read the Quran in public and his reading was so heartfelt it brought people to Islam. He devoted his whole life to Islam and Rasulullah. When Islam first began, many people didn’t believe Rasulullah and called him crazy. When the prophet told the people that he traveled from Makkah to Jerusalem and then to paradise and back to Makkah all in one night, everyone said it was impossible! But, Abu Bakr said if Rasulullah said it happened, then it’s true.
Rasulullah’s and Abu bakr’s friendship Abu Bakr and Muhammad (SAW) were the bestest of friends, he was the prophet’s loyal companion. One day while Rasulullah was praying, a kuffar snuck up behind him and tried choking him, Abu Bakr pulled him back and saved his life. Abu Bakr said “Do you intend to kill a man just because he says, my lord is Allah’ and has brought forth the clear signs from your lord?”He took the prophet’s word for anything he said. He was always at his service and traveled from makkah to Madinah with him. They loved eachother very much.
Abu Bakr’s qualities Loyal Leader As-Siddiq: truth teller and truth seeker Wise Gentleman Polite Generous Helpful
His Legacy Abu bakr was a huge part on the growth of Islam. He was Rasulullah’s successor and one of those promised paradise. He led the Muslims during difficult times, after the prophet (SAW) died. After he had died, the people’s faith began to drift away and there were groups coming in speaking of new religions. He faced many struggles during his leadership, but was still a firm and just leader. Abu Bakr is a very important part of Islam and it’s history. He was a huge inspiration to the people then and to the people now.
The End In conclusion, we must look up to how devoted Abu Bakr was to Islam and try to be like him. He’s a very good example of a true Muslim and if we attempt to be more like him, we’ll grow to be better people and better Muslims.