High Ed Tech – High Engagement: Reinforcing Authentic & Active Learning 9th Annual Teaching and Learning with Technology Symposium Monday, May 7, 2018 Shawn Stevens, EdD
and one Ed Tech tool you have students use to increase engagement. Go to - socrative.com Login ---- Student Login, then enter room number! 553989 1. Introduce Yourself, and one Ed Tech tool you have students use to increase engagement.
Shawn Stevens, EdD Adjunct Professor College of Social & Behavioral Science
Principles of Engagement http://elearning.tki.org.nz/Teaching/Inclusive-classrooms/Universal-Design-for-Learning
3 Principles Strategies Meta-cognition Active Learning Authentic
Thinking about Thinking https://www.slideshare.net/Aldenindemne/creative-thinking-and-metacognition-presentation-report
Authentic Learning https://catapultlearning.com/blog/2016/06/29/creating-authentic-learning-experiences-local-community/
How to make it happen! Rethink! Formative And Summative Assessments https://www.flickr.com/photos/gforsythe/8204963410
Go to - socrative.com 2. What are some criteria 553989 2. What are some criteria for successful learning activities aligned with these three principles.
Go to - socrative.com 553989 3. What are some education technologies that can align these criteria and principles with “successful” student engagement and achievement? This is a great tool to engage students. If you do not have a Twitter account, this is a great alternative. You can ask an audible questions inclass and students are able to answer online and see the responses immediately.
VoiceThreads Other Examples – What have you done?
Kaltura Other Examples – What have you done?
Blackboard Collaborate Ultra Other Examples: What have you done?
Journals Other Examples – What have you done?
Think… STUDENT-CENTERED STUDENT OUTCOMES Align learning activities with learning principles! Re-design activities with relevant education technology. Take the initiative to learn and explore education technologies. “One at a time!” ???????