LAMAS Working Group 19-20 June 2013 Agenda Item 3.3 AHM 2017 on self-employment: Draft issue paper
2017: AHM on self-employment Commission Regulation no. 318/2013 adopted the AHM programme 2016-2018 Self-employment as topic for 2017 Proposed by the Member States (LAMAS) With support from DG EMPL
Draft issue paper To provide the TF with guidance for the development of the module Anticipate challenges ahead Propose a structure of sub-modules Cannot be prescriptive, but provide guidance
Self-employment including ambivalent professional status Persons on the borderline between being employee and self-employed Probable growth of the group, but lacking quantitative evidence at EU level Analysis based on a more detailed breakdown of the professional status
Varying terminology Ambivalent professional status Quasi employees New self-employment Forced self-employment Involuntary self-employment Fake self-employment Own account worker, freelancer, grant recipient (FI) Sole trader, partner (SK)
Challenges Heterogeneous group Legal aspects involved Risk of low response rate Risk of categories of small size Proximity to the core LFS
Possible structure of sub-modules Forms of self-employment Working conditions and social benefits Entrepreneurship? LAMAS feedback will be integrated in the work of the TF
Sub-module 1: forms of self-employment Objective: identification of all relevant forms of self-employment Possible criteria: Number of customers Degree of entrepreneurial freedom Organisation of the work process Self-perception Motivation for taking a job as self-employed Previous experience as employee
Sub-module 2: working conditions and social benefits Objective: check existence of social benefits (and working conditions in general) for the target populations Possible topics: Paid holidays Sickness leave Unemployment benefits Training opportunities Additional information: collected by AHM 2015
Task Force June 2013 – expression of interest by email July 2013 – planning the work of the TF Sept/Oct 2013 – first TF meeting Spring 2014 – second TF meeting Autumn 2014 – testing in some MS Spring 2015 – third TF meeting June 2015 – final proposal presented to the LAMAS
LAMAS members are invited to… Comment and give suggestions on the approach proposed By email, by end June, volunteer for participating in the TF