DMS Foundation needs YOU! Invest in your children’s future by joining us to achieve our goal to raise $100,000. Dickerson needs these funds to: Employ Before School Study Hall Monitor – gives all students option of 8am drop off to attend intramurals, clubs and study/help sessions. This resource is unique to Dickerson and will not be offered if funding is not available. Purchase One Additional Laptop Cart Invest in Learning Commons Invest in STEAM Sound Engineering Class DONATE TODAY AT DMSFOUNDATION.COM or use the QR Code above Suggested Tax Deductible Donation is $150 per family
Welcome to Georgia Studies Ms. Berry 20 years in Cobb County Cobb County History 4th year at Dickerson Social Studies background
The Role Georgia Played in American History 8th Grade Social Studies Standards Exploration and Settlement Colonial Period American Revolution Land Policies Technology Indian Removal New South Era Westward Expansion WWI Great Depression WWII Post WWII Civil Rights Modern Georgia
What do students learn in Ga. Studies? Geography Georgia’s Location 5 Geographic Regions Key Physical Features Importance of Water Transportation Government Foundation of Georgia’s government Legislative, Executive and Judicial (Ga.) Juvenile Justice System (Ga.) Local Governments (Ga.) Economics Transportation Systems Georgia-based Companies Personal Finances
How will students learn in Ga. Studies? Instructional Methods Resources Collaborative Groups Partner Work Independent Study-Importance of Water Teacher directed Technology integration Textbook Primary Sources GPB Digital Textbook New Georgia Encyclopedia Georgia Info
How will I know what students have learned? Multimedia presentations Movies Green screen Technology Timelines Choice of products Assessments Test/Quizzes Writing Essays DBQ’s Short Extension Activities Virtual Field Trips History in your back yard For Example… Georgia’s Location Lecture Scavenger Hunt for class procedure Student took online learning survey Road Trip (partners) online research Choice Board –Georgia Story Technology to research regions of Georgia collaboratively Collaborative Groups for the Zombie Apocalypse Reading Guide with the textbook to determine the importance of Georgia’s water
Grading Weights 35% Tests/Projects/Writing 30% Quizzes 25% Daily Classwork 5% Homework 5% Mid-Term/Final
The Blog-http://www. cobblearning The Blog- Remind-subscribe with or w/o the app Remind is a text service I use to send out reminders or alerts. This is not a requirement and may not be sent daily If you only check the blog you will have the same information Email: Class # to text Message to enter AC 81010 @acgast OnLevel @msmsbb
AC Courses The course framework and instructional strategies for this course are differentiated in content, pacing, process skills emphasis, and expectation of student outcomes from the typical 8th grade Social Studies course. Course content has been designed for mastery and extension of state and district performance standards. The course is appropriate for students who have high achievement and interest in Social Studies. Dickerson Middle School has established criteria and guidelines to identify students who will be successful in this course. Students are placed in this class according to specified indicators of demonstrated exceptional ability and motivation. Students must meet continuation criteria (80%) to remain in the class. The ALP policy will be followed concerning probation.
What comes next…… *Last year’s guidelines Social studies is highly recommended for freshmen, but it is not required and will count as an elective. Placement decisions for Walton are made in January/February Grades in the first semester determine placement!! *Freshmen World Geography: (8th graders with a B or below) Has a “B” or lower class average to pre- register for 92 level classes along with teacher recommendations. Do not underestimate the rigor of these classes as they are college-preparatory in order to meet the Carnegie unit requirements. *AP Human Geography: (8th graders with an A) Maintain a running “A” average to pre-register for honors along with teacher recommendations. Motivation, organization, and love of the subject is highly needed for success in these rigorous classes. Placement is reviewed at the end of the school year for possible changes. What interests your child? What are they involved in after school? Math Science Literature/Writing Languages Geography *Last year’s guidelines