Dr Mustafa @2012
Example: Determination of clean water headloss in granular-medium Filtration Determine the effective size, the uniformity coefficient, and the clean water headloss in a filter bed composed of 0.75 m of uniform sand size distribution given below Table for a filtration rate of 160 L/m2. min. Assume that the operating temperature is 20 0C. Use the Rose Equation for computing the headloss. Assume the porosity of the sand in the various layer is 0.40 and use a value of 0.85 for the shape factor of the sand Dr Mustafa @2012
Dr Mustafa @2012
Dr Mustafa @2012
Dr Mustafa @2012
Dr Mustafa @2012
Dr Mustafa @2012
Example: Determination of required backwash velocities for filter cleaning. Filter of sand bed of 0.4 porosity with size distribution given below is to be backwashed at a rate of 0.7 m/min. Determine the degree of expansion and whether the proposed backwash Rate will expand all of . Assume the following date are applicable: Dr Mustafa @2012
Or Dr Mustafa @2012
Dr Mustafa @2012
Dr Mustafa @2012
Dr Mustafa @2012
END Dr Mustafa @2012