Meshing of 3-D Data Clouds for Object Description


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Presentation transcript:

Meshing of 3-D Data Clouds for Object Description Chapter Eight: Meshing of 3-D Data Clouds for Object Description --- Triangulation of Data Sets 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Chapter 9: Triangulation Mesh Objects 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Why Need Triangular Meshes? Chapter 9: Triangulation Why Need Triangular Meshes? A simple piecewise linear approximation of 3-D shapes of complex objects Appropriate for processing in graphics hardware Suitable for deformation and manipulation of the object surfaces 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Chapter 9: Triangulation Main Topics Planar triangulation Voronoi Diagram Delaunay Triangulation 3-D triangulation based on a physical model --- balloon inflation Marching Cubes 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Chapter 9: Triangulation Triangulation of Terrain Data 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Chapter 9: Triangulation Planar Triangulation 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Chapter 9: Triangulation Voronoi Diagrams 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Chapter 9: Triangulation Dual Graph of a Voronoi Diagram 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Chapter 9: Triangulation Edge Flipping 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Chapter 9: Triangulation Incremental Triangulation Algorithm 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Progressive Balloon Inflation Chapter 9: Triangulation Progressive Balloon Inflation Balloon inflation for surface fitting 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Chapter 9: Triangulation Physical Model for Balloon Inflation 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Chapter 9: Triangulation Subdivision of Triangular Faces 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Chapter 9: Triangulation Touching of Balloon at Data 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Chapter 9: Triangulation Approximating Errors 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Chapter 9: Triangulation Adaptation of Local Fitting 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Chapter 9: Triangulation Subdivision for Fitting 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Hierarchy of Triangular Meshes Chapter 9: Triangulation Hierarchy of Triangular Meshes Meshes with triangles of different sizes 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Contouring Using Marching Squares Chapter 9: Triangulation 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Marching Squares Cases Chapter 9: Triangulation 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Ambiguity in Connecting Edges Chapter 9: Triangulation 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Marching Cubes Chapter 9: Triangulation 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Marching Cubes Cases Chapter 9: Triangulation 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Marching Cubes Cases Chapter 9: Triangulation 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Ambiguity in Connecting Edges Chapter 9: Triangulation 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

An Example of Extracted Isosurfaces Chapter 9: Triangulation 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

Marching Cubes for 3-D Data Clouds Chapter 9: Triangulation 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01

An Example of Extracted Meshes Chapter 9: Triangulation 2018/12/2 3DVIP-01