NURSERY NEWS Rock Star Challenge This week: THE SCHOOLS FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER WB: 05.03.18 This week: We will be reading the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We will be exploring the concept of subtraction by taking away objects and counting how many are left. We will be using different materials to create our own images of mini beasts. Finally we will be learning the sounds ‘m’, ‘s’ and ‘a’ in our phonics sessions. Winter Weather Hopefully we have seen the worst of the cold weather for a bit HOWEVER may we remind you that the children do go outdoors for a session everyday and will therefore need to be appropriately dressed for the weather. If you want to put their gloves, hats and scarves in their drawers for safe keeping that is fine. Can we also remind you to put names in all clothes that may be taken off e.g. coats, jumpers etc. The sessions take place on Mondays/Thursdays 8.55- 9.10- Pencil control/Reading Tuesdays/Fridays- 8.55-9.10am- Number skills/Maths Areas of Learning we will cover We will continue to cover all 7 areas of learning but this week we will exploring different materials as we create our own images of minibeasts. We will be taking away objects and counting how many are left in mathematics. We will be using pictures to retell the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar. We will be practising our handwriting skills in our letter join sessions . On Friday 9th March we will be celebrating World Book Day (please note the change of date). On this day we would like the children to come to school dressed as a story book character. They could come dressed up as a princess, prince, Where’s Wally, pirate, Bob the Builder, Horrid Henry, Matilda, fairy, Harry Potter etc! There are lots of ideas on Homework Don’t forget to bring your book bag in everyday! This week we will be sending home the wordless Oxford Reading Tree books. Please spend a little time sharing the book with your child. All books sent home should be returned to school every week, along with your child’s planner, so that we can change them. Group 1 Tuesday Group 2 Friday Rock Star Challenge Well done to Laney and Kayden who are this week’s Rockstar Readers!