Migration #6
DO NOW: 1.Move desks into quiz mode. 2. Look over your vocabulary words.
Agenda Do Now (10 mins) Vocabulary Quiz (20) Do Now #2 (10 mins) Forced Migration to the United States (30 mins) Waves of Migration (40 mins) Exit Slip (10 mins)
Vocabulary Quiz Don’t forget about quiz expectations. No talking. ~20 mins.
Do Now The United States is a country made up of immigrants from around the world. Where do you think people have emigrated from, and why did they choose the United States?
Standard: Human Geog 2.3.A: Recognize and explain major historical migrations. Objective: Students will explain the major historical migrations to the United States by creating a map that depicts and explains the routes and reasons for immigration to the United States.
Waves of Migration There are four waves of immigration that have occurred in the United States. The push and pull factors vary throughout time because of conflicts, economics, politics, and technology.
Waves of Migration 1607-1830 1830s-1880s 1890s-1920s 1965-Today Wave #1 Wave #2 Wave #3 Wave #4 1607-1830 1830s-1880s 1890s-1920s 1965-Today
Forced Migration Happens when people are removed by an authority or a more powerful group out of their homes.
In forced migration, the migrants do not have a choice in the matter.
Group Decision Scenario: Which one is forced migration? Why? Groups of Cherokee people ( Native American tribe) are removed from their homelands in the Southeastern region of the United States and are made to walk to a new Native American territory hundreds of miles away. The removal is sponsored by the U.S. government. 2. A Syrian family leaves their home due to the constant threat of death and violence they face living in a war zone.
Atlantic Slave Trade AFTER THE VIDEO, ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. The Atlantic slave trade: What too few textbooks told you - Anthony Hazard AFTER THE VIDEO, ANSWER THE QUESTIONS.
Map / Paragraph Analysis
Migration Map Projects. DUE OCTOBER 13th. Rubric: read it over. Map Outline: On the website. Pull it up. Partners: Get a good one. Sign up. 4 maps total.
Using the Wave #1 Document, Answer the following questions: Who came over? (types of people, where were they from?) Why did they come? (push and pull factors) Where did they go? ( ports of entry)
Migration Wave #1 Map out migration wave number one, using your packet and the documents. All the information you need will be in your document packets. I have provided an example, which is up on my website. Use it to help organize your map.
Exit Ticket In one paragraph, please explain why the United States is considered a nation of immigrants. In your paragraph, please discuss: forced migration, waves of migration, push factors and pull factors.