Warm Up
Power and Radical Functions Unit 2 Day 1 Power and Radical Functions
And now we reflect
That’s Odd
An Odd Reflection
You are faster than the calculator
Where negatives are reciprocated
A Radical Idea
Solving radical Equations The two most important steps!!! Isolate the radical Eliminate the radical Then solve for x the way you normally would’ Check your x-values to make sure using them as input is valid!
Solve the radical equations
Power regression Say you are given a set of data points, and want to know what function defines or represents that data The data below represents the resting metabolic rate R in kilocalories per day for the mass m in kilograms of several animals What if we want to determine what the resting metabolic rate for a 60 kg animal would be?
Power regression Create a scatter plot of the points Use the PwrReg function on the graphing calculator to determine a fit for the plotted points Pay attention to the correlation coefficient If it looks like a good fit, graph the complete regression. In the y= menu, enter VARS, Statistics, EQ. Graph the regression and the scatter plot in the same window You can then use the equation to predict future f(x) values (using the CALC feature)
Now let’s try it 1554 So, what would the resting metabolic rate for an animal weighing 60 kg be?