A guide to Literary Analysis
MANY MODELS, MANY PEOPLE Find the way of looking at literature that works best for you, but consider all options.
AT THE MOST BASIC LEVEL… Any literary analysis is the interplay between the author, the reader, the text / work, and the rest of the world (culture, time, nation, human experience..). Usually results in a formal, written analysis involving the reader’s theory of the author’s intent with supporting evidence from the text.
HOW TO READ LITERATURE The process of reading any genre is similar- How did the author invite you in? Who are the characters? Why do they do what they do? What is the main story arc or narrative? Look for clues as to how the author wants this work interpreted. What is the significance of this work beyond time, place, class, culture?
BLOOM & THE PROCESS Levels of complex thinking During reading and during writing Evaluate = analysis
SCHOOLS OF LITERARY CRITICISM Know all of them, use what works best for that particular piece of literature. Different lenses on the same world. Break it Apart - Use one lens - Art imitates life - comparison
FOUR KEY PLAYERS Reader Response= your perceptions, gut instinct, experience, is of primary concern. The text = facts of the poem / story / play / novel. The author’s intent Literary criticism Happy mediums…