Update on Educator Effectiveness August 2012
Agenda Setting the Context Educator Effectiveness Model Timeline for Implementation of Model Measures of Student Learning Communication
Focusing on the “Why” NC is implementing a new curriculum, new assessments, new technology tools to improve instruction, new ways of engaging students, and the list goes on So why is the State focusing on educator effectiveness in the face of so many other changes? Because all our efforts in other areas depend on an effective teacher in every classroom and an effective leader in every school building
Components of the Model Results of Observations Assessments to Measure Growth The Tools We Need: End of Grade End of Course VoCATs MSLs Observation Tools Assessments to Measure Growth Student Survey Standards 1-7 Standard 8 End of Grade End of Course VoCATs MSLs End of Grade End of Course VoCATs MSLs End of Grade End of Course VoCATs Possible use of Tripod Survey pending SBE decision Standards 1-5 Standard 6
Educator Effectiveness Model
Educator Effectiveness Model Standard Six ratings are determined using student growth data from all subjects and grades a teacher has taught over three years Three years of data can come from multiple schools or LEAs Any student who has not been enrolled for 140 days (or 70 days on a block schedule) is excluded from growth calculations
Timeline for Implementation Year One of the three year cycle is 2012 – 2013 for: Teachers who administer End-of-Grade or End- of-Course assessments Teachers who administer Career and Technical Education Post-Assessments Teachers who administer the Measures of Student Learning
Timeline for Implementation Year One of the three year cycle is 2013 – 2014 for: Arts teachers World Languages teachers Healthful Living teachers Extended Content Standards teachers K-3 teachers
Timeline for Implementation Sixth standard ratings and one-page summary sheets available in EVAAS in mid- September EVAAS accounts for all teachers in 2012 - 2013 Sixth standard ratings also back-populate into NCEES
Measures of Student Learning Why have statewide Measures of Student Learning? North Carolina has a statewide evaluation system to ensure that every teacher receives a fair and consistent evaluation, regardless of his or her employing LEA Teachers in all content areas should receive a Standard Six rating based on the growth of their own students on their content-specific standards Most LEAs do not have the capacity to design their own assessments for all non state-tested grades and subjects
Measures of Student Learning Intended to gather growth data for every teacher, not to assess every student on every content area Local flexibility in when, how, and who administers Designed by 1,000 NC teachers Replace final exams in high school courses
Communication Training on the Educator Evaluation System should include Standard Six and the Measures of Student Learning Members of LEA leadership teams need to partner on implementation and communication around educator effectiveness
More Information Email educatoreffectiveness@dpi.nc.gov www.ncpublicschools.org/educatoreffect / (website launches August 10)