Daniel de Godoy Peixoto CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair Daniel de Godoy Peixoto 1 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
ABSTRACT: Main System’s Objective & Structural Overview SYSTEM GOAL Respiratory Rate Monitor SYSTEM HIGHLIGHTS Comfortable – Non-Contact Accessible – Low Cost APPROACH 1 - Single Sensor Pair RF RSS – Received Signal Strength 2 - Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) transmitter-receiver TECHNICAL NOVELTY Accuracy enhancement RESULTS Comparable performance of high-end devices 2 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
SYSTEM APPROACH REASONING SYSTEM APPROACH CHALLENGES INTRODUCTION: Reasoning & Challenges & Contributions SYSTEM APPROACH REASONING SYSTEM APPROACH CHALLENGES Respiratory Rate Monitor 1 – Breathing cause very small changes in the RSS (in other words, low SNR) 2 – User (patient) movement may interfere with the measurements Physically Contacting Sensors Non-Contact (RSS) WORK CONTRIBUTION 1 – Increase SNR: oversampling, filtering, low-jitter periodic communication, directional antennas 2 – HMM to identify motion interference 3 – Decimation: Allow embedded implementation 4 – Empirical demonstration with IEEE 802.15.4 AKA ZigBee,[2] ISA100.11a,[3] WirelessHART Multiple Transceivers Single RX-TX Pair 3 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
BREAKPOINT1: 2.46GHz works, but 2.415 doesn’t, why? 4 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
METHODOLOGY: SYSTEM 5 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
METHODOLOGY: SYSTEM Quantization Noise Dominated 6 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
METHODOLOGY: SYSTEM 7 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
METHODOLOGY: SYSTEM 8 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
METHODOLOGY: Motion Interference Detection (Principle) TX RX ~ 9 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
When in S2 the breathing estimation is disable METHODOLOGY: Motion Interference Detection (HMM) S1 S2 S1 => No motion interference S2 => Motion interference When in S2 the breathing estimation is disable 10 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
METHODOLOGY: SYSTEM (cont) 11 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
METHODOLOGY: Breathing Estimation TX RX (1) (4) (2) (3) 12 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
EXPERIMENTS: Setup Queen size bed Reference High Res. ADC Directional antennas Texas Instruments CC2431 IEEE 802.15.4-2006 2.4GHz ISM band Sequential 16 channel sweeping 13 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
EXPERIMENTS: RSS vs Breathing 14 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
EXPERIMENTS: ACCURACY CLOSE TO REFERENCE (x) precise ( ) scattered 15 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
EXPERIMENTS: Motion Interference Detection Rolling in the bed 16 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
EXPERIMENTS: Motion Interference Detection Human-induced error 17 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
EXPERIMENTS: Parametric Variation 18 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair
PROPOSED DISCUSSION: CONS Writing stile: 13 sentences started with “However,…” How many people were used to test the setup? What are their differences? The HMM algorithm was not super clear (TO ME). PROS Highly applicable: hospitals, Nursing homes Easily replicable (people can really benefit from this work) 19 | CPS SEMINAR: Non-invasive Respiration Rate Monitoring Using a Single COTS TX-RX Pair