A Magnet County We would like to see a growing working age population, by keeping and attracting more 18-40 year olds with high level qualifications, who want to live and work in the county. Do you agree that this ambition is helpful considering the key challenges? Who would benefit most from this ambition? Who would not really be affected by this ambition? Is it a key priority compared to the others or a ‘nice to have’?
An Innovative County We would like to see more businesses starting up, growing, and investing in research and innovation. Do you agree that this ambition is helpful considering the key challenges? Who would benefit most from this ambition? Who would not really be affected by this ambition? Is it a key priority compared to the others or a ‘nice to have’?
A Prosperous County We would like to see rising productivity and household income, offering higher living standards. Do you agree that this ambition is helpful considering the key challenges? Who would benefit most from this ambition? Who would not really be affected by this ambition? Is it a key priority compared to the others or a ‘nice to have’?
A Happy, Healthy County We would like people to have a good work/life balance and to see improved health and wellbeing. Do you agree that this ambition is helpful considering the key challenges? Who would benefit most from this ambition? Who would not really be affected by this ambition? Is it a key priority compared to the others or a ‘nice to have’?
An inclusive County We would like the economic and social benefits of growth to be felt by all. Do you agree that this ambition is helpful considering the key challenges? Who would benefit most from this ambition? Who would not really be affected by this ambition? Is it a key priority compared to the others or a ‘nice to have’?
A Connected County We would like to see improved transport and internet connections so that people and businesses can connect with each other more easily. Do you agree that this ambition is helpful considering the key challenges? Who would benefit most from this ambition? Who would not really be affected by this ambition? Is it a key priority compared to the others or a ‘nice to have’?
A Skilled County We would like to see more people with high-level skills and jobs in skilled occupations. Do you agree that this ambition is helpful considering the key challenges? Who would benefit most from this ambition? Who would not really be affected by this ambition? Is it a key priority compared to the others or a ‘nice to have’?
A Sustainable County We would like to see more efficient use of resources and more use of sustainable energy. Do you agree that this ambition is helpful considering the key challenges? Who would benefit most from this ambition? Who would not really be affected by this ambition? Is it a key priority compared to the others or a ‘nice to have’?
Looking again at all of the ambitions, what order of priority would you put them in? Try ordering them as individuals, then give a point to your top three. With the whole groups points, which are the highest scorers and which are the lowest? Why do you think that is?