Colchester Public Schools Positive Behavior Support May 2008
DISTRICT PBS TEAM Team Comprised of PBS Coordinator Curriculum Director Pupil Services Director Assistant Principals Social Worker or psychologist
Colchester’s Mission “We commit to a comprehensive system of support to ensure the success of each and every student.”
Our Proposed Model Schools Colchester Elementary 749 students PK-2 3.2% eligible free-reduced meals 14.8% special education Jack Jackter Intermediate 731 students Grades 3-5 8.2% eligible free-reduced meals 11.5% special education * SSP data 2007
Our New PBS Schools William Johnston Middle: Bacon Academy 797 students 8.4%free reduced meals 8.5% special education Bacon Academy 965 students 5.6% free reduced meals 9.4% special education * SSP data 2007
Our 3-5 Data Academic Behavioral 3/08 data % at intensive in reading 1-5% 1-5% 5-10% 5-10% 7% at strategic in behavior % receiving targeted intervention % at benchmark 80-90% 90% at benchmark 80-90% 3/08 data Sugai, 2006 6
Our K-2 Data Reading Behavioral 2/08 data 5 % at intensive in reading 1-5% 1-5% 5-10% 5-10% % at strategic 21% receiving targeted intervention 74% at benchmark 80-90% % at benchmark 80-90% 2/08 data Sugai, 2006 7
Best Practices in our District Ongoing data review, using SWIS, DIBELS, and AIMSWEB Specialists engaged in literacy, math, and enrichment coaching Effective use of collaboration teams to examine student progress Teacher-designed formative assessments and benchmarks jointly scored Team teaching and full inclusion
Administrative team dedicated to monitoring student learning via: Best Practices cont’d. Administrative team dedicated to monitoring student learning via: Student Learning Expeditions each week Instructional Council to examine student work Professional Learning Communities Unwrapping the standards and creating curriculum guides to communicate frameworks to parents Participation in state-wide workshops and observations of colleagues both in and outside our district
Thank you!