'Health-Care-Housing – A Partnership that Delivers' Housing's support for the challenges and opportunities in health and adult care May 4th 2016 Being optimistic following Emily’s realistic summary of current challenges. Reason for early slot is that I am off to Hertfordshire HWB this afternoon.
DFG Discussion How can DFG Funding be used differently to improve outcomes for customers What key DFG improvements impact most on health and adult care costs and how can we improve the links between equipment budgets and DFGs? How can the DFG service be managed to provide a quicker more effective service and improve links between organisations involved?
Dan Gaul change3C Housing LIN Eastern Region Lead Bit of backgroundWas head of care services for Suffolk county council I used to attend S106 meetings were adult care were seen as outsiders. Education had their fancy software and consultants who could “accurately” predicts to three decimal places the number fo school places needed. Highways would accurately predict increased traffic demand.
Housing LIN Briefing National Conference CASSH Phase 2 allocations http://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/HLINAnnualConference2016/ CASSH Phase 2 allocations www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/ HousingExtraCare/FundingExtraCareHousing/ DHCapitalFundingProgramme/CASSHF2015-18 Starter Homes Retirement Housing: Residents' experiences NHBC http://www.nhbc.co.uk/NewsandComment/Name,65332,en.html Centre for Ageing Better explores how home adaptations improve later life http://www.ageing-better.org.uk/news/centre-ageing-better-explores-home-adaptations-can-improve-later-life/
HOUSING LIN(cont’d) Shared Ownership and Affordable Homes Programme 2016 – 2021 www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/ HousingExtraCare/FundingExtraCareHousing/ Specialised-Housing/HCA-SO-AHP-2016-2021 HCA backed capital funding programme Kier Living Marketing of the LIN - Events for newsletter - Peer learning groups Next meeting Nov 8th Priory View Dunstable Central Bedfordshire. Venues in 2017.
NHF Update Future funding of supported housing and in particular the member consultation event on 10 June in Cambridge http://www.housing.org.uk/events/browse-events/future-funding-of-supported-sheltered-housing5/ discussion document from our website at http://www.housing.org.uk/resource-library/browse/future-funding-of-supported-and-sheltered-housing-discussion-paper/ Community Impact Awards http://www.housing.org.uk/get-involved/awards/