The purpose of a Cover Letter Introduce Yourself Your Qualifications. Promote yourself
Grab their Attention To the point . Ask to set up a job interview . Why you’re the best candidate
Paragraph 1 FIRST PARAGRAPH: Why you are writing Name the position Where you heard about it What you have sent (enclosed…)
Paragraph 1 - EXAMPLE . I am interested in applying for the Customer Service position recently advertised in Lincoln Journal Star. The skills I have developed from my work experience and academic background support my strong interest in customer service. Enclosed you will find my resume and references as my application for this position.
Paragraph 2 SECOND PARAGRAPH: Get the employers’ interest Why you are interested in the career Point out your qualifications Skill specific to this position Academic Achievement
Paragraph 2 - EXAMPLE . As you will note from my enclosed resume, I have taken many Advanced Placement courses and have participated in many extra-curricular activities. These courses and activities have allowed me to work with many different people and develop excellent team building skills, both of which are imperative when working in the customer service industry.
In addition, I have gained valuable leadership experience as the President of the French Club and Student Manager of the North Star Basketball Team. Through these experiences, I have readily accepted the duties of responsibility, leadership, and organization. These are skill that will make me a valuable part of your team.
Paragraph 3 Ask for an opportunity for an interview Offer to call the employer Possible state a time you will call Restate your interest in the position
Paragraph 3 - Example I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my skills and qualifications. The chance to work for such an outstanding company and continue in a career field I truly enjoy is desirable to say the least. I will contact you late next week to arrange an appointment. Thank you for your time and consideration.