Page 24 Language in Context
مميزات وصفات شخصية مهارات شخصية
صفات ومميزات شخصية لطالب العمل No. Personality Characteristics The meaning in Arabic صفات ومميزات شخصية لطالب العمل 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. creative شخص مبدع Efficient نشيط/فعال Friendly شخص ودود Hardworking مجتهد في العمل Intelligent شخص ذكي Organized شخص منظم Reliable شخص موثوق به Sociable شخص اجتماعي
مهارات شخصية لطالب العمل No. Skills (Good at/Interested in) The meaning in Arabic مهارات شخصية لطالب العمل 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. مساعدة الناس Helping people Creating things صنع الاشياء العمل خارج المنزل Working outdoors Working alone العمل وحيدًا الحصول على اموال Making a lot of Money العمل مع الناس Working with people
Majored in architecture Non 50–60 hours a week Majored in architecture high-paying good at communicating with people Be involved in work through all stages, from selling to clients. 3 years as architect
Pretend you have a degree in one of these in the chart and use qualification, special skills, personality characteristics and possible job in order to write a short paragraph about you: Degree in…(Engineering) درجة علمية فيــ ...(الهندسة) Majored in…(Engineering) متخصص فيــ...(الهندسة) Qualification (Certificate in Engineering) مؤهلات (شهادة في الهندسة) Special skills (Creating Things) مهارات خاصة (صُنع الأشياء) Personality characteristics (Creating Things) مميزات(صفات) شخصية Possible job (Engineer) العمل المحتمل (الهندسة) Example
درجة علمية فيـــــ Degree in درجة البكالوريوس Qualifications مؤهلات/شهادات Meaning in Arabic المعنى بالعربي Engineering هندسة Medicine طب Law قانون Journalism صحافة Pharmacy صيدلة Nursing تمريض Aviation طيران Teaching التعليم/التدريس Art الأدب Bachelor Degree درجة البكالوريوس Master Degree درجة الماجستير Doctorate Degree درجة الدكتوراة
Example Page 24 TV reporter Qualifications Special Skills Personality (ch.) Possible Job degree in good at speaking confident TV reporter journalism in public A TV reporter needs to be confident and has to be comfortable in front of the cameras, and should be interested in following news events.
Personality Characteristics: Activity Page 24 Qualifications: I have Master degree English Art. Special Skill: I am good at speaking English. Personality Characteristics: I am creative and hardworking. Possible Job: English Teacher. An English Teacher needs to be creative and hardworking and he has to be interested in helping students. He should be good at speaking English.
To change his job to another one New Vocabulary To change his job to another one
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