Do Now (Day 4 of 5) Please enter silently Sit in your assigned seat Put your technology away until it is Independent Practice time Take out your travel journal and make me proud. I will see you on Thursday!
Module 10 Day 4 of 5 Evidence of Evolution *All of today’s notes will help you during the Independent Activities!!!!
Evidence for Evolution Fossil Record: Fossils can include any evidence of life, such as imprints and remains of organisms. By examining the fossil record, scientists have concluded that evolution happens in a simple to complex pattern and life emerged from sea to land. Slide 1 of 5
Fossils must be dated to help establish a time frame for the existence of a species. There are two methods of determining the age of fossils. Fossils occur in layers of sedimentary rock. The fossils near the top will be more recent than fossils in lower layers of rock. Radioactive dating gives a more exact age using the natural decay of radioactive isotopes in organisms. Fossil Rock Anthem Slide 2 of 5
Biochemical Similarities as Evidence Slide 3 of 5 Biochemical similarities include comparisons of DNA and the resulting amino acid sequences for certain proteins, like insulin and hemoglobin. This is considered one of the most reliable and objective types of evidence used to determine evolutionary relationships. In general, the fewer differences found between two species, the closer the evolutionary relationship. Copy this chart! ------->
Embryology- Evidence of Evolution Slide 4 of 5 Comparative embryology compares and contrasts embryos of different species. It is used to show how closely animals are related.Embryology Tutorial
Evidence of Evolution- Review Slide 5 of 5 Write down 5 major points that provide evidence of evolution. Review of Evidence of Evolution
Independent Practice- due Today 1) Amino Acid Sequence Evolution Worksheet. Compare the amino acid sequence of the human to the other species and fill out the table as you go. I have completed two of them for you! 2) Evidence from Embryology Worksheet. Follow the instructions for each section: Embryology, molecular (biochemical) biology, and Fossil Record. 3) EXTRA CREDIT. If you finish both assignments, complete the evolution crossword puzzle and then define each of the terms used and use each word in a sentence. This assignment is due on Thursday.