Born in Vienna, Austria in 1874 Died in California in 1951 Arnold Schoenberg Born in Vienna, Austria in 1874 Died in California in 1951
Known for his 12-tone music often called tone rows
12-Tone Music The row may begin on any of the twelve tones of the octave. No tone is repeated until all twelve tones have been stated. This is the original row.
12-Tone Music No tone is played out of sequence. A tone may be used in any of its octaves. In general, outlines of broken triads are avoided.
12-Tone Music After the entire original row has been stated, it may be used in the following ways: It may be played backward (retrograde). It may be turned upside down (inversion). It may be turned upside down and played backward (retrograde inversion).
Create your own composition Using another blank matrix and your “clock”, turn the numbers on your matrix into note names. Fill in the whole matrix. When you have finished it, check it with the Matrix Calculator linked on the website. Take your original row and write out the notes on the staff paper. Once the original row is written, use any of your other choices to continue the song. You must use at least one retrograde, one inversion and one retrograde inversion.
Create your own composition You may change the octave of the notes, you may change the rhythm of the notes, and then you may add a second line of music. The second line may come in at any time and may either be the first line played as a round or a completely new version of the row.
Create your own composition Be sure that your notes are clearly written. All notes are oval in shape. Line notes should fill half of the space above and half of the space below. Space notes should go from line to line. Notes should be evenly spaced so that it is clear the order they are to be played in. The notes on the second line of music should be lined up beneath the first line of music.
Create your own composition Play your piece through on the iPad. If you want to play it with a friend, feel free to work together and play the pieces on the iPad.