The Era of Good Feelings and the Rise of American Nationalism (1815-1824) J.A.SACCO
> Rise of Nationalism Period was a direct result of the War of 1812 National Interests Sectional Interests How did the War of 1812 give rise to American nationalism?
The Monroe Administration (1817-1825) James Monroe elected twice, unanimously in 1820. Federalist Party?
The Monroe Administration (1817-1825) “Nationalized” the Democratic-Republican Party Abandoned the idea of states rights/strict interpretation of Jefferson years to support a policy that would strengthen the national government. “Out federalized the Federalists” Increase the size of the navy Support a vigorous economic system called the American System
The American System Sponsored by Henry Clay and supported by ALL sections of the nation. North would produce manufactured goods South/West would provide agricultural goods Created a system of self-sufficiency in three parts!
The American System Protective Tariff of 1816- Northern goods protected from cheap British imports (textile/iron products). Even John C. Calhoun supported it.
The American System Second Bank of the U.S.- Would restore sound banking system/stable currency. Would keep inflation down by regulating state banks. 20 yr. re-charter, run privately, 20% stock owned by U.S. government. Stock set at $35 million.
The American System National Road- linked East/West from Cumberland,
The American System Erie Canal (1825) – Linked Hudson R. to L. Erie. The cities of Albany to Buffalo.
The American System Steamboats used on the Miss. R. to haul cargo.