Ecosystems And Biodiversity Water Pollution Air Pollution Alt. Energy Eleanor M. Savko Environmental History And Policies Ecosystems And Biodiversity Water Pollution 12/2/2018 Air Pollution Alt. Energy 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2pt 2pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4pt 4 pt 4pt 5pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt
Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 Who was Aldo Leopold?
the essay the Land Ethic? Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 An environmental philosopher who wrote the essay the Land Ethic?
Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is the lesson of Easter Island?
depletion of resources Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 Overconsumption will lead to the depletion of resources
Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is the tragedy Of the commons?
Be eventually depleted Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 Resources that are Open to unregulated Exploitation will Be eventually depleted
What law set standards For the six criteria Pollutants? Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What law set standards For the six criteria Pollutants?
What is the Clean Air Act? Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is the Clean Air Act?
laws and outlining water quality Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What law strengthened water pollution laws and outlining water quality guidelines for states? .
What is the Water Quality Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is the Water Quality Act?
What is the formula for a Population’s growth rate? Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is the formula for a Population’s growth rate?
(Crude birth rate + immigration rate) – Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 (Crude birth rate + immigration rate) – (crude death rate +emigration rate) / total population
The maximum population size Of a species that a given Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 The maximum population size Of a species that a given Environment can sustain.
Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is Carrying Capacity?
In size, slow development, Reproduce later in life, Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 A species that is large In size, slow development, Reproduce later in life, And show parental care.
Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is K- Selected?
Which country has the largest Area of temperate deciduous Forest? Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 Which country has the largest Area of temperate deciduous Forest?
Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is the USA?
What characterizes a certain Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What characterizes a certain Biome?
Structure, temperature Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 Plant type, vegetation Structure, temperature And precipitation?
Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 Name 3 types of Water pollution.
What is thermal, sediment, nutrient, biological, and toxic? Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is thermal, sediment, nutrient, biological, and toxic?
A point source polluter. Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 Name an example of A point source polluter.
Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is a factory or Sewer pipe?
What does a dissolved oxygen Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What does a dissolved oxygen Test reveal?
levels are less capable of supporting aquatic life, the more Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 Low dissolved oxygen levels are less capable of supporting aquatic life, the more biological pollution, the less DO?
How is water disinfected at the end of the Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 How is water disinfected at the end of the wastewater treatment process?
Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is UV light or Chlorine?
What is an oligotrophic Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is an oligotrophic body of water?
Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is low nutrient, high oxygen?
What is a primary pollutant? Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is a primary pollutant?
Pollutants emitted Into the atmosphere In a form that can be Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 Pollutants emitted Into the atmosphere In a form that can be Directly harmful?
What are the six criteria pollutants? Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What are the six criteria pollutants?
What are Carbon Monoxide Sulfur Dioxide Nitrogen Oxides Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What are Carbon Monoxide Sulfur Dioxide Nitrogen Oxides Tropospheric Ozone Particulate Matter Lead?
What are the two types of Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What are the two types of Smog?
What are Industrial smog And photochemical smog? Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What are Industrial smog And photochemical smog?
What is an example of A secondary pollutant? Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is an example of A secondary pollutant?
What is Sulfuric Acid, Smog, and tropospheric ozone? Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is Sulfuric Acid, Smog, and tropospheric ozone?
What are VOCs and give an Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What are VOCs and give an Example?
Carbon-containing compounds emitted by vehicle engines Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 Carbon-containing compounds emitted by vehicle engines Methane, Propane, Butane, Octane.
Fuel for nuclear fission? Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is the most common Fuel for nuclear fission?
Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is Uranium?
Which alternative energy source Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 Which alternative energy source Is most closely linked to opportunities For recreational activities?
Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is hydroelectric?
The active ingredient in Most photovoltaic cells is? Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 The active ingredient in Most photovoltaic cells is?
Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is silicon?
Which country relies on geothermal energy Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 Which country relies on geothermal energy To provide a large portion of its energy?
Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is Iceland?
Compared to a coal-fired power plant, nuclear power Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 Compared to a coal-fired power plant, nuclear power generates more…. (type of pollution)
Eleanor M. Savko 12/2/2018 What is thermal pollution?