Treating Vasodilatory Shock in the ICU
Case Study: Admitting Presentation
Case Study: Lab Findings, Medications
Hospital Day 1
Additional Recommendations
At Least 2 of These 4 Criteria = SIRS
Hospital Day 2
Recommendation: Within 3 Hours of Time of Presentation*
Recommendation: Within 6 Hours of Time of Presentation
Fluid Therapy Recommendations
Why ICU?
Defining Shock
Differential Diagnosis: What Type of Shock?
Types of Shock
Hemodynamics in Vasodilatory Shock
Septic Shock: Scope of the Problem
Later That Day…
Delayed Transfer to ICU: Quantifying the Risk
Serum Lactate Levels
Blood Lactate Predicts Survival in 126 Patients With Shock From Various Origins
Importance of Dynamic Fluid Assessment
Goal-Directed Fluid Therapy Guided by Dynamic Assessment of Fluid Responsiveness
Arrival in ICU
Vasoactive Medications in Septic Shock
Prognosis for Patients With Treatment-Refractory Vasodilatory Shock
Outcomes for Patients Requiring High-Dose Vasopressors
Why Increased Mortality With High-Dose Vasopressors?
Systems Involved In Restoring Effective Blood Pressure
Angiotensin II Trials
Angiotensin II for the Treatment of Vasodilatory Shock: ATHOS-3
Angiotensin II: Current Status
Tying Up Our Case
Opportunities to Improve Care
Take-Home Points
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)