Peer completes assessment of how you gave feedback Giving Feedback Role Play 1 & 2 SimulationsInventories Performance Feedback 1.De Nisi & Kruger Readings.


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Presentation transcript:

Peer completes assessment of how you gave feedback Giving Feedback Role Play 1 & 2 SimulationsInventories Performance Feedback 1.De Nisi & Kruger Readings

What is effective feedback How to give effective feedback Some hints on how to do Term Paper Assignment What you will learn today

Does feedback improve performance Kluger & DiNisi, 2000 Research on feedback shows <50% time, feedback improved performance 33% of time feedback decreased performance

When can feedback improve performance Kluger & DiNisi, 2000 Understand how feedback operates

Feedback (e.g., re: sales; grades) Change behavior to meet goal Compare feedback to goal/standard How does feedback operate Is the goal of a moderate level? Is there a gap between behavior and goal? Does it elicit attention to self or task goal

Feedback Attention to Self Attention to Task e.g., how good/bad am I as a sales person or student e.g., how hard to work, how long to work to increase sales or grades Feedback Does it elicit attention to self or task goal

Feedback Attention to Self When does Feedback Attention to Self Compares self to others

Attention To Self Effects of Attending to Self Affect (e.g., mistrust, retaliation) Lower Performance Distraction from focal task Attention to non-focal task

Feedback Attention To Task When does feedback Attention to Task Info on How to Improve Information about Correct Answer

Feedback Increased Performance Info on How to Improve Effects of Information on how to improve Increased Motivation e.g., Focus on Task

Feedback Attention To Task When does feedback Attention to Task Info on How to Improve Information about Correct Answer

Feedback Increased Performance Info on correct answer Effects of Information on correct answer Increased Learning e.g., Focus on Task

Feedback Attention To Self Attention To Task Conclusion Performance - Feedback Does it elicit attention to self or task goal +

Attention To Self Attention To Task Performance - Feedback Script +

An example script that integrates the research on the kinds of feedback that Improves performance

Attention To Self Attention To Task Perf - Feedback Script Feedback Script Show respect for sub & prevent embarrassment Prevent sub from getting upset/feeling hurt Maintain standard of work & preserve relationship Show you value the subordinate Get best outcome for project & subordinate +

Attention To Self Attention To Task Perf - Feedback Script Feedback Script Give subordinate an opportunity to self- appraise Maintain motivation and cooperation Maintain standard of work & preserve relationship Maintain your credibility & give evidence to justify your concerns Show you are fair-minded & involve sub Build ownership & commitment for improvement Show you value the subordinate Try to improve subs performance Get best outcome for project & subordinate Ensure subs performance changes +

S=Lower attention to self T=increase attention to task Behavior 1. (S) Show respect for sub & prevent embarrassment Invite sub to a private setting 2. (T) Give subordinate an opportunity to self-appraise Set scene for personal review by inquiring about progress on project Mgr: Hi Julie, how are things? Sub: Fine thanks, Lee. Mgr: Thats good. I was wondering how things are going with the Housing project? Are there any issues from your point of view that we need to address?

S=Lower attention to self T=increase attention to task Then do….. 3. Maintain motivation and cooperation (T) Put the feedback in context by initially acknowledging the positive aspects of performance Mgr: Okay. I know youve been working hard on the project and I appreciate the contribution that youve been making. Sub: Thanks. Mgr: Julie, theres one issue that Id like to talk to you about, and that relates to the project meetings. As you know, the project team is made up of a variety of people, some with more experience than others in this type of work. You are one of the more experienced people on the team.

S=Lower attention to self T=increase attention to task Then do….. 4.Maintain standard of work & preserve relationship (T &S) Raise issue of concern in subs behavior without blame or criticism 5. Prevent sub from getting upset/feeling hurt (S) Invite subs reaction to your feedback Mgr: In the past project few meetings, youve been making some fairly forceful statements about the way we should proceed, and making some good points. But my observation is that the less experienced people seem to be holding back and contributing a lot less than they used to. Whats your sense of the situation?

S=Lower attention to self T=increase attention to task Then do… 6. Maintain your credibility & give evidence to justify your concerns (T) Specify examples of the behavior & the negative consequences for the project 7. Show you are fair-minded & involve sub (T) Invite sub to respond to your feedback and give his/her understanding of the situation Mgr: Julie, heres how I suggest we approach this issue. Why dont I start by firstly being as specific as I can about what Ive observed in the meetings, and then you can give your reaction to that, and your understanding of the situation.

Mgr: Then, Id particularly like to start with your ideas before I make any suggestions, to work out what we can do to improve the team situation. How does that suit you? S=Lower attention to self T=increase attention to task Then do… 8. Build ownership & commitment for improvement (T) Invite sub to give ideas on how to improve performance or situation 9. Show you value the subordinate (T&S) Comment on subordinates ideas 10. Try to improve subs performance (T) Give your ideas on improving subs performance or situation

S=Lower attention to self T=increase attention to task Then do… 11. Get best outcome for project & subordinate (T& S) Spend time discussing both sets of ideas 12. Ensure subs performance changes (T) Agree with the subordinate on a plan of action & how to monitor progress Mgr: So lets see how we can integrate both our suggestions (or how about you try your suggested plan for 2 days and then try my suggestion for 2 days). Shall we meet in a month to see how you are doing with your goals?

Comparing Effective & Ineffective Scripts of Giving Feedback For more info, go to p Excerpts from Management Communication Quarterly online article by A. Lizzio, K. L. Wison, J. Gilchrist, & C.Gallois. (Feb 2003). The role of gender in the construction and evaluation of feedback effectiveness. Vol.16, Issue No. 3,online

More Effective Initiation of Performance InterviewLess effective Initiation Manager: Hi Julie, how are things? Subordinate: Fine thanks, Lee. Manager: Thats good. I was wondering how things are going with the Housing project? Are there any issues from your point of view that we need to address? Subordinate: No, not really. Its going okay as far as I can tell. Manager: Okay. I know youve been working hard on the project and I appreciate the contribution that youve been making. Subordinate: Thanks.

More Effective InitiationLess effective Initiation Manager: Julie, theres one issue that Id like to talk to you about, and that relates to the project meetings. As you know, the project team is made up of a variety of people, some with more experience than others in this type of work. You are one of the more experienced people on the team. In the past few meetings, youve been making some fairly forceful statements about the way we should proceed, and making some good points. But my observation is that the less experienced people seem to be holding back and contributing a lot less than they used to. Whats your sense of the situation? Manager: Julie, Ive asked you here because Id like to talk to you about some concerns Im having with the Housing project, about your style of contribution to team meetings. In the past few meetings, youve been making some pretty strong comments about the direction that the project should take. As one of the more experienced people on the team, thats fine, but the concern I have is that some of the more junior team members seem to be holding back, and saying a lot less in meetings. Dont get me wrong, I think youre doing a good job on the project, but we need to improve the situation.

More Effective Resolution PhaseLess effective Resolution Manager: Julie, heres how I suggest we approach this issue. Why dont I start by firstly being as specific as I can about what Ive observed in the meetings, and then you can give your reaction to that, and your understanding of the situation. Then, Id particularly like to start with your ideas before I make any suggestions, to work out what we can do to improve the team situation. How does that suit you? Julie, I think there are a couple of practical things you can try that will help the situation. Can I start the discussion by offering a few suggestions from my experience, and then you can tell me what you think might work?

Integrating scripts with behaviors Learning feed-back giving behaviors that are effective For more info, go to p Gender, Work and Organization online article by N. D. Cole (May 2004). Gender Differences in Perceived Disciplinary Fairness. Vol. 11 Issue No. 3online

Step 5: Repeat Steps 2 & 3 Step1: Role Play 1: Student 1 = Manager, Student 2=Subordinate Sequence of Performance Feedback Ex Step 3: After Role Play, Student 2 gives feedback to Student 1 on feedback giving behavior quality using Feedback Behavior Sheet Step 2: In Role Play Manager gives verbal feedback to Subordinate using list of suggested behaviors Step 4: Role Play 2: Student 1 = Subordinate, Student 2=Manager

Recall, from self-awareness lecture… Self Awareness –Observe how you perform as a manager –Compare how you performed relative to a other`s feedback` –Identify strengths & weaknesses One way of obtaining self awareness… Feedback from a first time encounter with a peer –E.g., Performance feedback role play exercise Learning from Inventories, Marcic et al, 310

List of Feedback-Giving Behaviors to practice, observe & evaluate each other on… Non verbal Communication Behaviors Leadership Behaviors Speech Characteristics Conveying Interaction-al Justice Cole, 2004

Positive demeanor –Smile –Positive expression when talking & listening, –Positive tone of voice –Arm/hand gestures indicate sympathy & points being made –Folded hands –Close interpersonal space Neutrality –Speak in neutral tone –Soft voice volume Attentiveness –Lean forward, look at surroundings Non-verbal Communication Behaviors

Transformational leadership –Enhances employees self-worth, –Encourage employee participation, –Shares information Minimal Conflict-seeking –Do not further conflict, –Do not use position power, –Do not use reward/punishment power. Use of Referent power –Resolve conflict through accommodation Leadership Behaviors

Conversational maintenance: Attentive to relationship with employee, Responsive to employee, Seeks consensus. Low Controlling: Do not mention superior position, Do not challenge employee, Do not mention control of employee, Do not suggest actions Fact finding : Ask for facts, Ask for clarification, Directly asks employee to respond. (Low) Asserting authority: Do not use absolute/assertive statements, Tentativeness : Uses tentative statements, Uses speech tags, Rising intonation at end of sentence. Speech Characteristics

Give good explanations : explains work procedures, explains company rules, specific, provides justification. Active listening : Patient, non-evaluative, paraphrases, invites further comment, uses non-verbal responses. Convey justice when interacting Be considerate, honest, courteous, respectful when interpreting events and when enacting procedures, sincere, respects privacy, polite. Convey Interactional Justice

Class Discussion Qs

Describe how your peer displayed the following well/not well –Non verbal Communication Behaviors –Leadership Behaviors –Speech Characteristics –Conveying Interaction-al Justice Describe behaviors

Learn what is effective feedback –For improving performance, To practice & observe giving effective performance feedback Today you used research to