Exemplification Essay The Exemplification Essay is an Essay with Examples.
Exemplification Essay Requirements Three paragraphs: Introduction, One body paragraph, Conclusion with a thesis statement Length: 1 ½ to 2 pages You may choose your own topic, but see topic suggestions as well. Turn in final copy, typed and double spaced. Also turn in one rough draft
Requirements Con’t You may use AskOnline or the Writing Center for feedback prior to the due date.
Exemplification Essay The Essay with examples uses examples to paint a picture for the reader. There are several types of examples: Examples- Can you give paint of picture of what you mean? (Illustration) Classification- What types of things are these? Process Analysis- How do I do it? How is it done?
Con’t Cause and Effect- What is the reason for this? What is the outcome? Comparison/Contrast- How are these similar and dissimilar? Definition- What does this term mean?
Qualities of Good Examples As supporting details, examples are specific, vivid, and representative. This means that the examples should be precise, interesting, as well as appropriate. In other words your reader should be able to match your examples with their own. The reader should be able to say “I can imagine just how the incident occurred, and I could give some similar examples”
What to do… Choose a topic and then start creating a Brainstorming or Clustering list to help narrow the subject. You only need one idea of focus for your body paragraph Thesis example: Cheating students (topic) often put themselves under more stress than honest students. (controlling idea)
Outline I. Introduction- see notes on ways to fully develop the Introduction paragraph. The thesis should be the last sentence of this paragraph. II. Body Paragraph- Topic Sentence: Even the student who pays for school work can become a victim of stress.
Con’t A. Student bought a Composition essay. For variety, use some of the ideas from the Narr./ Description Essay such as Spatial, Time, or Emphatic order. B. (first problem) Student had to submit work in stages.( Use transitions for coherence.) C. Started to work backwards. D. “Dumb” down the “A” paper to a “C” paper. Concluding Sentence(s)
Con’t III. Conclusion- see notes over ways to develop/ enhance the Conclusion/ Be sure to restate the thesis and try to reach a larger audience.
Remember: You have to decide what you will focus on in particular. This will ultimately be the controlling idea of your thesis statement. Decide how many examples will do the trick for the topic you have chosen. Fully develop the Introduction and Conclusion paragraphs (5-7 sentences)
Topic Suggestions A Good Parent Music A Great Leader A Wise Person Violence in the media A True Friend Examples of Anger
Con’t Acts of Kindness Role Model How television is different from the real world Team work Good Parenting Types of Music How far is too far? “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” “Two wrongs don’t make a right”