Burnt Yates CE Primary School Parents/Carers Meeting 26th January 2017
Every school good or outstanding Agenda for the meeting Welcome from Chair of Governors and introductions Key findings of the inspection report Statutory guidance for schools in special measures Local Authority and Diocesan plan to support Burnt Yates CE Questions from Parents and Carers Summary Kevin Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding The platform Helen Leslie, Chair of Governors Sue Wass, Acting Headteacher Andy Lancashire, Principal Adviser, Primary Steven Holmes, Lead Improvement Adviser for the school Fiona Beevers, Deputy Diocesan Director of Education Kevin to introduce Every school good or outstanding
Strengths of the school Governors have worked tirelessly to implement a long term strategy for securing the future leadership of the school. Pupils are happy, behave well, enjoy school and benefit from very positive relationships with adults. Parents are happy about the level of care given to their children. Attendance is above the national average. The school promotes pupils’ moral, social and cultural development well. The strong Christian ethos permeates across the school and pupils have strong moral codes. Andy Every school good or outstanding
Key Findings of the inspection report School Leaders are not following agreed procedures to ensure that they are keeping their pupils safe. Regular health and safety checks are not in place. Governors have been too trusting that the information provided to them at meetings is accurate. They do not fulfil their legal duties to ensure that pupils are safe. The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is not meeting the needs of pupils, particularly those who are most able or have special educational needs and/or disabilities. The progress made by all groups is inadequate. Reading books do not meet the needs of the pupils. Older pupils do not enjoy reading at school. Andy Every school good or outstanding
Key findings of the inspection report Teachers do not have high enough expectations of what pupils can do. The most able older pupils often complete the same work as those who are younger. Provision in the Early Years does not meet the needs of the youngest learners. There are few opportunities provided for children to practise skills independently. The absence of any induction procedures for both staff and governors means they are not well prepared for their roles and do not receive any safeguarding training. Self-evaluation is inaccurate. Subject plans do not focus on the needs of the school. Andy Every school good or outstanding
What does the school need to do to improve? Urgently ensure that safeguarding arrangements are effective. Improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment. Improve the effectiveness of leadership and management. An external review of governance should be undertaken. Andy Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding Statutory Guidance School is eligible for intervention. Conversion to an academy with a strong sponsor (DfE); the school will receive a directive academy order from the Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC). The RSC will consult with the Diocese about an appropriate sponsor. RSC has the option to direct closure if the school is not able to make sufficient improvements or is not viable; they must consult Governors, LA and Diocese. Local Authority Statement of Action. Andy Every school good or outstanding
LA powers’ of intervention Power to suspend the delegated authority for the governing body to manage a school’s budget. Power to appoint additional governors. Power to appoint an Interim Executive Board (IEB). Proposals to closure (where there is no prospect of sufficient improvement). Andy Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding LA Actions Changed LA Advisory support arrangements. Strengthen leadership. Exploring all options around support. Conversations with DfE and Diocese of Leeds (CE). Andy / Jill Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding Questions – key themes Has the LA, DfE and Diocese agreed options with the school for the future? How long will the school be in special measures? When will monitoring inspections take place? What are the implications for staffing? How will parents be updated on progress? What is the current provision for SEND? Andy Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding Questions – key themes Are safeguarding arrangements secure? Who monitors LA Advisers? What steps are Governors taking to fully understand what is required of them? What is an external review of governance? Andy Every school good or outstanding
Any more questions not covered by key themes All Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding Summary Next steps before half-term Strengthening of leadership Statement of action in place Then RSC proposals on academy sponsorship Parents’ forum on monthly basis– to seek feedback on improvement plans and progress Andy Every school good or outstanding