Using evidence to identify priorities Simon W Quin @PlaceManagement
The growth of online spending 30.0% 2018 – 17.8% Food 6.3% Non-food 26.5% 1.6% 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022 2028 CRR 2018
Online retail sales share 2017 CRR 2017
18.4% of stores have closed 2012-2018 CRR 2018
Forecast 23.6% drop in stores 2012-2022 CRR2018
Town centre share of retail expenditure 49.4% Parliament 2000-2014, CRR 2017-2022
Repositioning Reinventing Rebranding Restructuring How can an instructional designer assist you? This is a brief summary of what we do: Draw on knowledge of pedagogical best practices, technology and community building to design the module. Identify the types of online activities which will best support students’ learning. Facilitate collaboration with the King’s Online video team, web designers and learning technologists – there are plans to set up a dedicated film studio at Guy’s. Define the course’s structure and the organisation of the course’s content. Provide support throughout the development of your online course and a second pair of eyes on your content. The 4 Rs of Regeneration Restructuring Parker, Ntounis, Millington, Quin, Castillo-Villar (2017)
Repositioning What is going on? How is the centre used? Are trends and developments tracked? Repositioning
Repositioning Reinventing Rebranding Restructuring How can an instructional designer assist you? This is a brief summary of what we do: Draw on knowledge of pedagogical best practices, technology and community building to design the module. Identify the types of online activities which will best support students’ learning. Facilitate collaboration with the King’s Online video team, web designers and learning technologists – there are plans to set up a dedicated film studio at Guy’s. Define the course’s structure and the organisation of the course’s content. Provide support throughout the development of your online course and a second pair of eyes on your content. The 4 Rs of Regeneration Restructuring
Reinventing Meet the needs of the catchment? Are visitor needs understood? Reinventing
Repositioning Reinventing Rebranding Restructuring How can an instructional designer assist you? This is a brief summary of what we do: Draw on knowledge of pedagogical best practices, technology and community building to design the module. Identify the types of online activities which will best support students’ learning. Facilitate collaboration with the King’s Online video team, web designers and learning technologists – there are plans to set up a dedicated film studio at Guy’s. Define the course’s structure and the organisation of the course’s content. Provide support throughout the development of your online course and a second pair of eyes on your content. The 4 Rs of Regeneration Restructuring
Rebranding City reputation? Perceptions realistic? Stakeholders communicating a positive image? Rebranding
Repositioning Reinventing Rebranding Restructuring How can an instructional designer assist you? This is a brief summary of what we do: Draw on knowledge of pedagogical best practices, technology and community building to design the module. Identify the types of online activities which will best support students’ learning. Facilitate collaboration with the King’s Online video team, web designers and learning technologists – there are plans to set up a dedicated film studio at Guy’s. Define the course’s structure and the organisation of the course’s content. Provide support throughout the development of your online course and a second pair of eyes on your content. The 4 Rs of Regeneration Restructuring
Restructuring Are you actively managing change? Stakeholders engaged in decision making and action? Is large scale physical restructuring needed? Restructuring Qualifications, Publications, speaking at events, third party endorsements (eg from peer review), impact, responsibilities (eg president of) / memberships /
Repositioning Reinventing Rebranding Restructuring How can an instructional designer assist you? This is a brief summary of what we do: Draw on knowledge of pedagogical best practices, technology and community building to design the module. Identify the types of online activities which will best support students’ learning. Facilitate collaboration with the King’s Online video team, web designers and learning technologists – there are plans to set up a dedicated film studio at Guy’s. Define the course’s structure and the organisation of the course’s content. Provide support throughout the development of your online course and a second pair of eyes on your content. The 4 Rs of Regeneration Restructuring
Why dashboards will help
Available from early 2019 but………………………………..