Raccoons by: Jaden kade
HEADING 1: Awesome Raccoons Have you ever seen a raccoon? Maybe you haven’t and here's why. They’re nocturnal and only come out at night.
Heading 2: Raccoons Appearance Raccoons have a mask-like face. Also, they have ringed tails. Another fact is they have black, gray, white, and yellow like fur. Additionally, they are about the size of a house cat. They can stand up to 12 inches tall. Lastly, they have round small ears and tiny whiskers.
Heading 3: Behavioral Traits They enjoy playing in the water. Raccoons play with food like children. A behavior they also have is they enjoy knocking down trash cans. Lastly, they eat almost anything. For instance, they eat disgusting human trash.
Heading 4: Habitat Raccoons live in places such as a forest area. They can also live in brush land and near water. They mostly live in North and South America. They live in homes called dens.
Heading 5: Predators predators A predator for the raccoon is a mountain lion. Possible threats are diseases, fungi, and parasites. The last predator is a hawk. predators threats Humans Diseases Mountain lions Fungi Hawks Parasites
Heading 6: Diet Raccoons eat fruit, buds, nuts, seeds, and human trash. Some meats the enjoy are small animals, fish, and shell fish. Like I said they eat almost anything.
Heading 7: Exciting Facts Some exciting facts about the raccoons are, they have glow in the dark eyes. Also, they are scavengers ( they find leftovers of food and eat it ). Another fact is they are nocturnal. Lastly, they oddly don’t truly hibernate, Who knew?
Conclusion This concludes why you might not see raccoons at night. Its because their nocturnal. Did you learn a lot about raccoons? I know I did.