@College Students: Capturing High-Achievers through Social Media #NASPAtech - Student Affairs Technology Conference
About Leah Leah Schklar is the Manager of Social Media and Interaction at The National Society of Collegiate Scholars. She is the “face” of NSCS on social media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and manages all of NSCS’ social media endeavors. Leah has turned the NSCS Facebook page into a place for members to connect with both other members and the national office and has given a very personal touch. She has helped chapters develop their chapter pages, encourage their members to participate in conversations and to use the page as go-to place for everything from posting pictures to sharing meeting minutes. In March, Leah developed the TalkNerdy2Me blog and through her position as Chief Editor, she manages partnerships, content and design.
About Kristen Kristen Abell is the Director for Residential Life at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and has been in student affairs for over ten years, give or take, in a variety of roles. She’s worked primarily in housing and women’s centers at three different universities over that time. Kristen currently serves as the Information Technology Coordinator for the IV-West Region of NASPA. She has been blogging since 2006 on her personal blog – Kristendom – and also has a technology and student affairs blog – Kristendom Talks Tech, in addition to co-founding the Student Affairs Women Talk Tech collaborative blog. She has been serving as an unofficial technology consultant in her student affairs division for over a year, and she is a self- proclaimed geek extraordinaire.
NSCS on Facebook Recognition Pictures Contests
NSCS on Twitter Congratulate and welcome new members Follow hashtags and get involved in conversations Source for all things college, higher ed and Gen Y Blog promotion Chats
NSCS on LinkedIn Career advice Encourage networking Alumni
The posts with the highest impressions and most number of likes tend to be photos and notes.
The highest amount of activity on the page seems to happen in the evenings around 4pm – 6pm and the best day of the week seems to be Monday.