UNDP Lebanon Implementation of new SC Salary Scale 2009 Human Resources Unit Operations- UNDP October 2009
Progress on Salary Scale The new salary scale has been finalized by Info Pro and approved by UNDP effective 01 July 2009. 10 comparators were surveyed, 6 of them were retained for this exercise The Scale has 11 levels, 5 Bands, and 5 steps, the figures shown in the scale are “Base Salaries” and in Lebanese Pounds Portal Link: http://extranet.undp.org.lb
Implementation: Phase I Classification of TORs
Implementation: Phase II Step Determination and Contract Amendment
Implementation: Phase III Enter SCs in ATLAS
SC policy on change in Salary All remuneration movement for individuals based only on revision of the remuneration scale (interim survey of comparators ) No retroactive adjustments in remuneration All revision of TORs that entail change in remuneration should be subject to competitive process and advertising the new TOR Contact Person in HR: Zakaa Farhat zakaa.farhat@undp.org HR Team mobile number : 03-518482
New SC positions: SC recruitment process : A service request form is needed to establish a new SC position indicating the COA A well defined Job Description (new template is available on the extranet). The request and TOR should be signed by the project manager, national coordinator (if applicable), and programme manager The job description should be sent ahead of time to the corresponding portfolio manager as soft copy to be classified and reviewed by HR, and posted. The approved TOR needs to be signed by the above mentioned parties No waivers are granted to SCs The normal recruitment cycle is 2 months The minimum duration of an initial SC is 6 months Contact Person in HR: Diala El Nehlawi diala.nehlawi@undp.org
SC Contract Renewals Procedure for contract renewal: Service evaluation form signed by the SC holder, supervisor, national coordinator (if applicable), and programme manager The service evaluation form should indicate: the COA to be charged, the period of extension requested, performance bonus (max 3%) with proper justification. Revision of TOR should be discussed with programme manager since it entails re-advertisement of post All service evaluation forms should be sent to UNDP country office at least “one month” before the end of SC contract HR unit would need 2 weeks to issue the contract from the date received No contracts will be issued retroactively Contact Person in HR: Diana Bassil Diana.bassil@undp.org
SSA contracts renewal and payments Finance Unit should make payments to SSA holders against a fully completed and duly authorized certification for payment form (COP). COP should be prepared for all SSA payments whether they’re daily, monthly, against deliverables or other without the need to issue RDP. The last payment should be attached to a COP and an evaluation form The extension of an SSA would require a memo, containing the need for extension, the COA to be charged and any changes made to the contract conditions (rates cannot be changed) All extension requests should be sent to programme managers at least 2 weeks before the end of contract HR unit needs 7 working days to renew an SSA Contact Person in HR: Diana Bassil Diana.bassil@undp.org
Salary certificates: All salary certificates requests should be sent to hrteam@undp.org A certificate request form is now available on our extranet (visa, loan, work certificate, …) Annual leave balance stated in certificate: Since the absence management of our Projects ‘ Service Contract holders is decentralized, the staff member will have to prepare an annual leave request form indicating the AL balance to be signed by the staff and his supervisor. UNDP HR will only stamp the form if requested by the embassy. Salary certificates need 7 working days to be issued Contact Person in HR: Diana Bassil Diana.bassil@undp.org
Other HR Matters UNDP IDs Termination and Unpaid leave UNDP ID cards are now issued by our colleague Alex in the general services unit Alexan.Djeredjian@undp.org . Make sure to bring your old ID card with you. Termination and Unpaid leave All SCs and SSAs should fill a resignation form and give a notice period requested as agreed by their managers Resignation forms should be sent to UNDP country office at least 2 weeks before the termination date Project managers are responsible for collecting all UNDP assets including UNDP ID cards/ radios and send it back to UNDP office Staff taking unpaid leave should fill a leave request and the request should be sent to UNDP country office 2 weeks ahead of time to take the proper action (maximum period granted is one month)
Absence management for SCs Project Admin/Finance Assistant is the absence management focal point and accordingly responsible for keeping leave records (absences cards, leave requests, sick reports) Attendance should be taken on monthly basis and closed at the end of the year and signed by both the staff member, supervisor and absence focal point (this will also apply to leaving staff)
Thank you