Slim Line Gas Capsule Protectors Series 3406 Applications: BROADBAND WIRELESS ACCESS systems, all kind of coaxial lines with various signals in the range from DC to 5.8 GHz NETCONNECT DIVISION Business Unit Lightning Protection 02.12.2018
Slim Line Gas Capsule Protectors Series 3406 Features DC to 5.8 GHz (BNC interface limited to 4 GHz) Current handling: 10 kA single and 5 kA multiple Residual pulse energy: <450 mJ DC outdoor powering possible Integrated gas tube (not exchangeable) Interface: N, TNC, BNC, SMA Slim design Bulkhead mounting NETCONNECT DIVISION Business Unit Lightning Protection 02.12.2018
Slim Line Gas Capsule Protectors Applications Slim Line Protector Data Line Protector NETCONNECT DIVISION Business Unit Lightning Protection 02.12.2018
Slim Line Gas Capsule Protectors Application and Installation Note: protectors shown are series 3401, for reference only NETCONNECT DIVISION Business Unit Lightning Protection 02.12.2018
Slim Line Gas Capsule Protectors PP/PMP Radio Protection - Protector Suitability Protection of Indoor and Outdoor Unit hardness of equipment > 1kV (1.2/50 ms) lightning current assessment <10/5 kA (partial lightning currents) surge protection (induced interferences) Belcore GR-2908 conformity 1. Necessity of Lightning Protection This lesson is very important as you learn how to convince your customer in applying SUHNER lightning protectors for an effective lightning protection - learn how to discuss lightning issues with your customer professionally - learn to give your customer efficient recommendations - learn about arguments for the need of protection Þ H+S respectively you become the experienced partner to your customer in a field which customers normally are not familiar with - therefore being grateful for professional advice - this will lead to a stable business relation Lightning - Physical phenomenon Lightning - not much mystics left (sphere flashes) - Basic characteristics: electrical discharge respectively charge neutralisation Important to know: exact figures of the hardness datas! NETCONNECT DIVISION Business Unit Lightning Protection 02.12.2018
Slim Line Gas Capsule Protectors PP/PMP Radio Protection - Protector Suitability Outdoor powering via coax (DC on the line between IDU and ODU) DC power supply voltage < 150V (Belcore GR- 2908); for Europe low voltage regulations to be considered! RF in phase peak voltage plus DC voltage must not exceed 150 V! DC current depending on connector interface (N: 6 A max., TNC/BNC: 3.5 A max.) NETCONNECT DIVISION Business Unit Lightning Protection 02.12.2018
Slim Line Gas Capsule Protectors PP / PMP Radio Protection - Protector Suitability RF or data signals on the coaxial line between IDU and ODU typically IF (intermediate frequencies), up- and downlink different < 5.8 GHz radios with < 5.8 GHz operation/”air interface” frequency can transmit it also directly Important to know: exact values of the IF (intermediate frequencies) ! NETCONNECT DIVISION Business Unit Lightning Protection 02.12.2018
Slim Line Gas Capsule Protectors PP / PMP Radio Protection - Protector Suitability Telemetry signals on the coaxial line between IDU and ODU many radios transmit also telemetry signals via coax. typical such signals are in the kHz or MHz range and very low power generally Important to know: exact telemetry datas ! NETCONNECT DIVISION Business Unit Lightning Protection 02.12.2018
Slim Line Gas Capsule Protectors PP / PMP Radio Protection - Protector Suitability Further requirements RF (impedance, RL, IL) PIM - not critical, low RF power only connectors N and smaller mounting/grounding: bulkhead water protection: generally IP 65 may vary depending on connector interface NETCONNECT DIVISION Business Unit Lightning Protection 02.12.2018