Music is just like a pizza! It’s made up of my favorite things! Music Pizza! Music is just like a pizza! It’s made up of my favorite things!
Music is just like a pizza! Join me while I sing!
Melody Pitches all in a row Up Down Repeat
Long and short sounds and silences, you know Rhythm Long and short sounds and silences, you know
two pitches at the same time Harmony two pitches at the same time
It tells the music’s design! Form It tells the music’s design! A B A A B
Texture The music, thin or thick
Tempo Fast or slow, you pick! slow FAST
Soft and Loud help to set the mood Dynamics Soft and Loud help to set the mood soft LOUD
All the sounds you can choose! Timbre/Tone Color All the sounds you can choose!
Music is just like a pizza! It’s made up of my favorite things!
Music is just like a pizza! Thanks for joining me while I sing!