Digital Media Educators Conference June 9-10
What Constitutes Good teaching and learning?
Factors Impacting student Success Enhancing the Learning Environment… Classroom furniture Flexible configurations Technology Personal digital devices Learning management systems Distance participation – WebEx & Zoom Projects GoogleDocs Digital cameras & Non-linear editing software Documenting Outcomes ePortfolios Electronic gradebooks Interactions & Connectivity Discussion groups Blogging
Factors Impacting student Success Student Support Re-Defined Directed Students have a goal and know how to achieve it… Focused Students stay on track – keeping their eyes on the prize… Nurtured Students feel somebody wants and helps them to succeed… Engaged Students actively participate in class and extracurricular activities… Connected Students feel like they are part of the college community Valued Students’ skills, talents, abilities and experiences are recognized; they have opportunities to contribute on campus and feel their contributions are appreciated…
Factors Impacting student Success Student Support Re-Defined Directed Students have a goal and know how to achieve it… Focused Students stay on track – keeping their eyes on the prize… Nurtured Students feel somebody wants and helps them to succeed… Engaged Students actively participate in class and extracurricular activities… Connected Students feel like they are part of the college community Valued Students’ skills, talents, abilities and experiences are recognized; they have opportunities to contribute on campus and feel their contributions are appreciated…
Factors Impacting student Success What is the role of Digital Media in Education? - Flipping the Classroom - Connecting - Communicating - Engaging - Collaborating - Demonstrating - Re-Enforcing
Challenges in the modern learning environment Technologically prepared students Varied communication styles High school students – dual or concurrent enrollment Working adults Varied educational backgrounds Basic skills needs Cultural differences in learning styles Generational differences in learning styles Gender differences in learning styles
Factors Impacting student Success Make a difference... Lead in your educational disciplines... Each of you can change lives…