LEADERS RISE AND FALL ARTS, ENGINEERING, AND ARCHITECTURE ROMAN LIFE Christianity Miscellaneous 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500
Who took power in 47 BCE?
Julius Caesar took power in 47 BCE.
Who was known as the “revered one” and oversaw the “Golden Age” of Roman literature?
Augustus/Octavian was known as the “revered one” and oversaw the “Golden Age” of Roman literature.
Which emperor conquered Dacia (Romania), extending the empire to its greatest size?
Trajan conquered Dacia (Romania), extending the empire to its greatest size.
Who were the members of the Second Triumvirate?
Lepidus, Octavian, and Marc Antony were were the members of the Second Triumvirate.
Who advocated for launching a Third Punic War?
Cato advocated for launching the Third Punic War.
In what year did the Western Roman Empire fall?
The Western Roman Empire fell in 476 CE.
Name two legends about the origin of Rome.
Romulus and Remus and The Aeneid are both legends about Rome’s origins.
Who built a new capital for the Roman Empire and what THREE names has that city gone by in history?
Constantine built a new capital, CONSTANTINOPLE, on the site of the old Greek town of BYZANTIUM. Now, the city is known as ISTANBUL.
Which group did the Romans overthrow to establish the Republic, and in what year?
The Romans overthrew the Etruscans to establish the Republic, and in 509 BCE.
Name three different Germanic tribes and then name the group that they were most scared of.
The Germanic tribes were pushed around by the Huns The Germanic tribes were pushed around by the Huns. Some Germanic tribes include the Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Vandals, Franks, Angles, Saxons, Marcomanni, Alamanni, Gepids, Alans, Burgundians, and Lombards.
Name two famous poets from Rome.
Some famous poets from Rome were Virgil, Ovid, Catullus, Horace, etc.
How many miles of roads did the Romans build?
The Romans built about 50,000 miles of roads.
Who was a famous Roman Stoic?
Rome’s most famous stoic was Seneca.
Which Roman building could hold the greatest number of people?
The Circus Maximus was the largest building The Circus Maximus was the largest building. It could hold 150,000 spectators. The Colosseum could only hold 80,000.
Explain how water got from the Apennine Mountains to a heated pool in a Roman bath. (Score based on amount of detail)
Mountains aqueduct (gradient, bridges, tunnels, reverse siphons, etc Mountains aqueduct (gradient, bridges, tunnels, reverse siphons, etc.) three tanks around Rome bath house heating system rises up cooler water circulates back to heating system
Who led the most famous slave uprising?
Spartacus led the most famous slave uprising.
What was the name for the large plantations owned by the rich and run by slave labor?
Latifundia was the name for the large plantations owned by the rich and run by slave labor.
Who fought for land redistribution shortly after the Third Punic War?
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus fought for land redistribution shortly after the Third Punic War.
Why is Pompeii important and which volcano’s eruption buried it?
Pompeii is important because of the archaeological evidence it provides, and it was buried by an eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.
In the early Roman Republic, people were divided between the ________ and the ________ (social classes), but later, Augustus divide society into three social classes based on _________ which dictated what kind of ___________ you could hold.
In the early Roman Republic, people were divided between the PATRICIANS and the PLEBEIANS (social classes), but later, Augustus divide society into three social classes based on WEALTH which dictated what kind of POLITICAL OFFICES you could hold
Who was the most important person in the spread of Christianity in the first century CE (other than Jesus, obviously)?
Paul of Tarsus was the most important person in the spread of Christianity in the first century CE (other than Jesus, obviously).
During whose reign as emperor was Jesus born?
Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus (Octavian).
Who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire?
Theodosius made Christianity the official Roman religion.
What was the law that legalized Christianity, who passed it, and in what year?
The Edict of Milan, passed by Constantine in 313 CE made Christianity legal in the Roman Empire.
Which mystery cult has some startling overlaps with Christianity and what is at least one of those overlaps?
Mithraism has some startling overlaps with Christianity, such as the same birthdate for Mithras (12/25) and the same day of worship (1st day of the 7 day week).
Who was the chief god of the Roman religion?
Jupiter was the chief god of the Roman religion.
Name two of the “Five Good Emperors.”
The five good emperors were Nerva (96–98), Trajan (98–117), Hadrian (117–138), Antoninus Pius (138–161), and Marcus Aurelius (161–180)
Who was the general for Carthage in the Second Punic War and who was the Roman general who won the war?
Hannibal was the general for Carthage in the Second Punic War and Scipio was the Roman general who won the war.
Explain how Marius and Sulla each contributed to the transition from Republic to Empire.
Marius created the first volunteer army that was loyal to him as an individual leader (not to Rome) and Sulla used this model to briefly take control of the Republic, leaving a legacy of generals taking over.
What was a tribune and how did that job get created?
Tribunes were officials elected by the Council of the Plebs who could veto laws made by the Senate. The job was created after the “Struggle of the Orders.”