In School Academic hours Shanda Gay & Cayeann Cowan
Guest speaker Help our youth learn about careers, education and real world opportunities.
Tutor Everyone learns differently, sometimes the instructing can be more understood when someone else explains it. Tutoring a child in an area you enjoy can build confidence and enthusiasm.
Read to our youth Even after elementary school, our middle and high school students still enjoy a guest adding a twist to their daily instruction. Having a guest in a play or a story in class would help motivate students to perform more.
Judge student work samples Fair day, Halloween carnival and many class activities offer opportunity for our students to shine and compete academically. Help our teachers judge the material with a set criteria.
Robotics We offer a unique experience to many students by having a large variety of robotics material. Our students who chose to take this course participate in a state level competition. Volunteers could help judging the robot based on set standards and help the students with their interview skills by asking questions while letting the students explain the process they used.
mentor There are students who need a “Big Brother” or “Big Sister” to look up to for advise and to have a positive role model in their life.
Chaperone Educational field trips are very beneficial, some trips can be better planned with a little extra assistance from volunteers.
Aide Work days can be super busy, many teachers don’t have enough hours in the day to prepare large activities when teaching such a variety of material. An aide can help set up labs, prepare activities, and help oversee hands on work within a classroom.