Update on Song Lake Stradder Caves M.S. Lake Management Student SUNY Oneonta caves09@Oneonta.edu
Plants of Song Lake Common Name Scientific Name Coontail Ceratophyllum demersum Northern Watermilfoil Myriophyllum sibiricum Yellow Pond Lily Nuphar lutea Lake Cress * Rorippa aquatica White Water Crowfoot Ranunculus aquatilis Water Star Grass Heteranthera dubia * Lake Cress is listed as a Threatened Species by the NYSDEC
Plant Management Options Mechanical Chemical Biological Plant Management Options
Aquatic Plant Management Any option takes time There are no magical, quick fixes Research must be done Have to know what you are doing Actions have consequences Be aware of what impacts your actions have It is a lake after all There are always going to be plants Aquatic Plant Management
Stakeholder survey There have been 31 responses so far Please take the time to get your responses in Responses will be used in order to create a State of the Lake Report and Management Plan for Song Lake as part of my Master’s Thesis https://sites.google.com/view/croo ked-song-tully-surveys/home Stakeholder survey