Imaging exciton polariton transport in MoSe2 - + Tip MoSe2 exciton laser photon + exciton = exciton polariton Scientific Achievement We performed a systematic nano-optical imaging study of MoSe2 revealing long-propagating exciton polaritons. Illustration of polariton imaging Polariton signature E = 1.63 eV 2mm E = 1.48 eV 2mm E = 1.41 eV 2mm Significance & Impact The first imaging study of exciton polaritons The longest-propagation exciton polaritons at room temperature ever observed 2mm E = 1.35 eV Future research plan Imaging data revealing polariton waves Image exciton polaritons in atomic-layer MoSe2 Build exciton polariton transistors F. Hu et al. Nature Photonics 11, 356-360 (2017)