Communication plan
Why create a communication plan? Good planning facilitates achieving the aims Coordinate all communication efforts for the best possible effect The plan also serves as a base for internal discussion and anchoring This heading can be removed in the finished plan. Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
General terms Information is strategic messages that lead to increased knowledge Communication is the process of messaging based on interactivity between those involved in the process and leads to new attitudes or behaviour Relation is the mutual involvement or joint commitments that lead to action and results. This heading can be removed in the finished plan. Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Background Describe the background and reason for the planned communication effort Describe the key factors that are involved. Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Description/analysis of current situation Put the communication in context; which other ongoing matters within the organisation may be important? Don’t forget the outside world Analyse and describe the current communication situation What is it that needs to be communicated in relation to the project/activity goals? Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Definitions There are specific terms, matters or contexts that must be described and explained. Add a glossary as an appendix to the plan; it will be useful when formulating a message. Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Limitations What are the limitations, i.e. what problems or details should the communication not solve? Also think the ambition level through and find out which resources are available. Define the limit for what can realistically be implemented Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Aim of the communication Describe the overall purpose of the communication, why we must communicate and what we want to achieve – effects? The purpose must be expressed as the general overall objectives and focus linked to the purpose of the project/occupation/activity. Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Objectives for the communication Describe the concrete results that the communication must achieve. The objectives can be quantitative and qualitative. Information objectives can be divided into: Knowledge objective - what the target group should know. Can be on a scale between ‘familiar with’, and ‘be able to recite, know, understand’. Attitude objective - what the target group should think. On a scale between ‘tolerate’ and ‘love’ Motivation objective – what motivation the target group should have. On a scale between ‘intending to do’ to ‘fighting for’ Behavioural objective - what the target group should do. Can be on a scale from ‘try once’ to ‘always do’. Establish SMART objectives: (Specific, Measurable, Agreed upon, Realistic and Time-based) Objectives should be linked to the project/activity/occupation objectives. Objectives can be listed as a table: Objectives Strategy We want to achieve... By... Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Strategy for the communication Think the strategy through. Link it to the needs for communication and preconditions. All projects have risks and success factors. Some of the risks can be counteracted through carefully-planned communication. What can negatively impact the communication objectives? What obstacles are there? Are there competitors? What tools can be used, what other previous successful communication efforts can be studied and used? Are there any people who are particularly important for the information to be communicated in the best way? One way of creating a strategy is to do a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). Think about these factors in communication. S Strengths W Weaknesses O Opportunities T Threats Helps the objectives be achieved Prevents the objectives being achieved Internal properties External phenomena Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Message What is to be communicated? Answers to the questions: what/who, why, how and when? Does the information need to be adapted to different target groups? Rational information works for those who are already interested; emotional information works for those who are less interested. Think about who you’re addressing, your tone and message. Be precise with your facts. Does the message need to be translated into other languages? You can repeat your point, but with variation. Note the terminology list, if any Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Target groups/entities Define the target groups, interested key individuals and entities Who are the entities/recipients/target groups? Where are they? What is their situation? What is communication like now? What do they know and not know? What are their preconditions? Are there primary and secondary entities? Should any target groups be prioritised? Should we communicate different things to different target groups? Do some target groups need more information than others? Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Channels/choice of media Some things to note when choosing a channel: Scope/reach Selectivity Speed Attention Efficiency Contact cost Are there sufficient existing channels (staff newspaper, intranet, external web, PA news, management info, fixed meetings, etc) or are particular/new channels needed (newsletter, new websites, email distribution lists, seminars, hearings, brochures, adverts, posters etc.) Do specific distribution lists need to be prepared? Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Governing parameters, measurement and follow-up of information and communication efforts Have we achieved our communicative objectives? Questions to be asked: • What must I investigate? • What would be interesting to investigate? • What can I afford to investigate? • When do I need a response? As a minimum, we should find out: Has the information been distributed and received correctly? Has the information been clear, relevant and correct? Is the information understood and has it covered the requirements? Choose the measurement method that suits you best. Should qualitative (e.g. interviews) or quantitative (e.g. web-based surveys) methods be used? Should they be combined? Define the measurable governing parameters that can be followed up during the project and provide a general description of how the follow-up is to be achieved. The measurable project objectives stated above function as input. The governing parameters measure a key performance or information. Both can be quantitative and qualitative. Example, GOVERNING PARAMETERS: 80% of all KI employees have had sufficient information to source report their holiday application in Primula themselves at the end of 2006. FOLLOW-UP ROUTINE: Surveys and interviews one month into the term, as well as one month before the term ends. Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Division of responsibilities Who is responsible for the various sections of the communication input? Specific responsibility lies with managers. Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Time and activity plan State the planned communication efforts, message and target groups. State the date they are estimated to be finished/implemented and a brief description. Always appoint a responsible individual and who is to be the implementer. If the communication plan covers a longer period, it is a good idea to divide up the activities by month. The time and activity plan should be created as a separate appendix, as it will be updated more frequently than the plan in its entirety . Date Communication inputs, entities/target groups Message Channel Individual responsible Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Communication budget State the costs and investments linked to the communication plan. Here is a list of some common costs Staff costs Materials, printing costs Training Travel Consultancy fees Advertising Other costs Total: Cost type Budgeted cost Staff costs Materials, printing costs Training Travel Consultancy fees Advertising Other costs Total: Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Contact persons State the people (including contact details) involved in and responsible for the communication plan. Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Appendices Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
S W O T Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Helps the objectives be achieved Prevents the objectives being achieved Internal properties External phenomena Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Time and activity plan Date Communication inputs, entities/target groups Message Channel Individual responsible Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011
Contact persons State the people involved in and responsible for the communication plan. Communication plan, template v. Feb 2011