UDL-LPLC #1: September 21, 2017 Universal design for learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on.


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Presentation transcript:

UDL-LPLC #1: September 21, 2017 Universal design for learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. —CAST, 2015

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Search Groups: UDL THSLE

Where are we going?

Formative Assessment Executive Function Literacy Implicit Bias Focus topics ’17-‘18 Formative Assessment Executive Function Literacy Implicit Bias

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Fold paper in thirds Find # matches Review theory Discuss what it “looks like” and “sounds like” in practice Compare to information listed in practice column Identify actionable examples specific to your work Be prepared to share

Calendaring the Work Leading Lesson Study with a UDL Lens Leading Learning Walks with a UDL Lens Leading Collaborative  Planning with a UDL Lens Building/Sustaining Professional Learning Communities  Building a Team/Developing trust  Universally Designed Meetings Effective Decision Making Having difficult conversations  (part two) Providing Feedback with a Coaching Lens Happiness in the Workplace: UDL Style! Using Protocols to Lead Instructional Conversations  Practice with Protocols (role plays with authentic material) What is responsive instruction? Coaching for responsive instruction UDL Refresher (designed to share with teachers) Other? Calendaring the Work

Looking ahead Evaluation: http://tinyurl.com/thsleeval September 30th: Saturday Session #1 AM: Learning Sessions on focus topics (FA, EF, Literacy, Implicit Bias) PM: Deep Dive, Make for Monday October 10/11: Faculty Meeting UDL Spotlight October 18: UDL Open House October 20: UDL LPLC and TPLC #2 (times TBD) Chart paper and markers, note sheets with questions, small laminated copies of expert learner charts, copies of the UDL guidelines Evaluation: http://tinyurl.com/thsleeval

UDL-TPLC #1: September 21, 2017 Universal design for learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. —CAST, 2015

PBE thinking of Chavez!

Search Groups: UDL THSLE

Where are we going?

Formative Assessment Executive Function Literacy Implicit Bias Focus topics ’17-‘18 Formative Assessment Executive Function Literacy Implicit Bias

Book Walk & Conception Check Design and Deliver, Planning and Teaching with Using Universal Design for Learning by Loui Lord Nelson, PhD Chart paper and markers, note sheets with questions, small laminated copies of expert learner charts, copies of the UDL guidelines

15 minute Book Walk Find an example of the word listed in the table. Place a sticky next to the example. On the sticky, explain why is useful to you as a reader. Use words or phrases from the UDL guidelines in your response (7 minutes) With a partner, take turns sharing your word- see how fast your partner can find an example and identify the related guideline (7 minutes) Partner 1 Partner 2 Icons Graphic Organizers Classroom examples Quotes Chapter Headings (why) Questions to the reader (Why) Chart paper and markers, note sheets with questions, small laminated copies of expert learner charts, copies of the UDL guidelines

All PLC Members (May do): Read UDL Q&A with LLN (linked on Connect) Returning PLC Members (Must do): 1. Read/Skim Chapter 1 in D&D. 2. Participate in for “Save the Last Word for Me” in groups of 3 As you read, highlight words or phrases that resonate with you. Find your group of three. Person 1 shares the word or phrase that stood out for them without sharing their why. Persons 2 and 3 try to guess the why. Person 1 reveals their why. Switch roles and repeat 2x. All PLC Members (May do): Read UDL Q&A with LLN (linked on Connect) New (Y1 or Y2) PLC Members (May do): Participate in UDL Conception Check. Visit each poster and place a mark on the line indicating your level of agreement. Visit each UDL foundational term and list words or phrases that describe the term. Prepare for a group debrief.

What is an expert learner? Begin with the end in mind! Chart paper and markers, note sheets with questions, small laminated copies of expert learner charts, copies of the UDL guidelines

Learning Outcome: PLC members will discuss the characteristics of an expert. PLC members will discuss and determine the characteristics of an expert learner. PLC members will explore how to develop expert learners within the learning environment. This is where we want to be… how will be get there?

Are You An Expert? In what area would you consider yourself an expert? Why are you an expert? How did you become and expert? http://udlvideo.org/ch2/1 Find a partner and discuss.

Chart your expertise! Purposeful and Motivated Resourceful and Knowledgeable Strategic and Goal-Directed Categorize your expertise into the 3 UDL principles. Use Rubiks Cube as example with purposeful and motivated. Discuss with your partner and chart your steps to becoming an expert.

Compare your answers to the characteristics of an expert learner listed here. Do you see any similarities/differences? *Make copies for each participant.

Differentiated understanding of the UDL guidelines – will dive into in different ways How do the principles, guidelines, and checkpoints lead us to expert learning? Discuss.

What is an expert learner? “We define expertise not as a destination but rather as a process of becoming more expert on a continuum of development.” “An expert a learning is someone who is continually growing and developing through introspection and guided feedback from other experts and peers.”

How do we develop expert learners within the learning environment? Why is this important? What needs to be done? How do we make it happen? Form three small groups to discuss the expert learner characteristics and/or the UDL guidelines connected to student strengths and weaknesses at PBE. What comes up for your group during this conversation? Is this topic worth exploring as a shared inquiry topic?

Learning Outcomes- How did we do?: PLC members will discuss the characteristics of an expert. PLC members will discuss and determine the characteristics of an expert learner. PLC members will explore how to develop expert learners within the learning environment. Where will you put this???

Looking ahead Evaluation: http://tinyurl.com/thsleeval September 30th: Saturday Session #1 (please be sure you bring a standard in order to work on a lesson) AM: Learning Sessions on focus topics (FA, EF, Literacy, Implicit Bias) PM: Deep Dive, Make for Monday October 10/11: Faculty Meeting UDL Spotlight October 18: UDL Open House October 20: UDL LPLC and TPLC #2 (times TBD- please be sure you have read through Chapter 3 in D&D) Chart paper and markers, note sheets with questions, small laminated copies of expert learner charts, copies of the UDL guidelines Evaluation: http://tinyurl.com/thsleeval