Supply chain current topics Dr. Ron Lembke Supply chain current topics
Outsourcing in the News IT & telecommunications changes Nobody can tell you’re calling India White collar jobs – now it’s serious Educated workforces Call centers, programmers Privacy / security concerns
Current OM Issues Maximizing use of IS to share information globally to coordinate production Commoditization of suppliers – “plug compatibility” Flexible supply chains for mass customization of products and services Global supplier, production, and distribution networks Is it time to bring production back to the US?
Bringing it All Back Home? 2001 – China joined WTO $0.58/hr Gas $1.17/gallon 2015 = $6/hr? (Boston Consulting Grp) Dec 2011 Shanghai industry conference “Nobody wants to work” Costs of transp Long lead times US efficiency, quality
Summary White collar jobs, not just manufacturing. That could be me! “On-shoring” labor and transportation costs US Quality and productivity gains