Definition of Feedback Information learners receive about their performance. (Teacher Skill Feedback) TSF maintains student focus on the task TSF motivates students. TSF is more effective if congruent
Types of Feedback: Congruent Versus Incongruent feedback Congruent feedback is feedback that is consistent with the focus (or cues) the student has been asked to work on Incongruent feedback is feedback that is not consistent with the focus the students have been given
Sources of Feedback Teacher, Peers: extrinsic feedback Knowledge of performance (KP) Knowledge of results (KR)
Sources of Feedback Self: intrinsic feedback. –Students see results (KR) and apply that information to their next attempt
Observing and Analyzing Student Responses Select a good position form which to observe. Identify in advance what you will be looking for. Have a strategy for observing large groups.
Teacher Positioning Always stay in a position that allows you to observe the entire group. Change positions to get a different perspective on what students are doing. Move so that you visit all students at some time.
Sources of Feedback Non-Verbal Feedback: facial expressions, pointing, clapping Teacher Positioning: Helps to maintain class focus With-it-ness is enhanced
Types of Feedback Evaluative: FB concerning a past performance. Corrective: FB regarding what to do in future performances.
Types of Feedback Positive Behavior: Conveys positive feeling about students good behavior. For example: Great job of following directions! Way to listen Good freeze position
Types of Feedback Positive Skill Feedback: Conveys specific information that the performance was satisfactory or correct. For example: Way to point your toe on that follow through. You kept your elbows extended on that pass.
Types of Feedback Negative Behavior: Conveys a negative feeling about students behavior. For example: You are not doing what I asked you to do. Youre not listening to directions.
Types of Feedback Negative Skill Feedback: Conveys specific information that the performance was unsatisfactory or incorrect. For example: You dropped your chin on that one. Youre not moving your feet.
Types of Feedback Prescriptive (Rx)/Corrective: Conveys information indicating how performance can be improved in future trials. For example: Get yourself behind the ball. Tuck your chin more next time.
Timing Of Feedback The sooner the better offers learner a chance to apply feedback to next practice trial.