Una dieta saludable
You remember things much better when it’s in a catchy format You remember things much better when it’s in a catchy format. For example… You probably know the capitals of Spanish- speaking countries a lot better than you ever thought you’d know them
YOUR song or rap! Work in groups of TWO to FOUR. You will be writing your own song or rap to help you remember the food pyramid/healthy lifestyles vocab. Your performance will be similar to a public service announcement (PSA) that promotes a healthy lifestyle. We will work on it in class, and we are presenting the song on Wednesday, January 20.
Requirements and info
A variety of verbs to form complete sentences/poetic phrases At least TWENTY (20) food or food group (carbs, dairy, etc.) words. Underline and (20)number the vocab words. At least 16 of these must be from the vocab list At least 16 healthy items At least 4 unhealthy items A variety of verbs to form complete sentences/poetic phrases At least FOUR verses/stanzas Use the tune of an existing song, unless you are doing a rap Include gestures, movements and/or props to accompany your song. Every food that is mentioned needs to have an accompanying illustration. Major grade. All group members will receive the same grade, so let me know if somebody is not pulling their share. Everyone should have more or less an equal part! Authentic engagement! You may use your script when you present, but DO NOT bury your face in it! Turn in one copy of the script (electronic preferred) when you present.
Requirements and info 20 DIFFERENT vocab words, underlined and (20)numbered Verbs, complete sentences/poetic phrases Four verses minimum Gestures, movements, props Turn in one copy of the script (electronic preferred) Major grade Share your document with: doreenlee.fortbend@gmail.com Due Wednesday! The long weekend is a perfect time to work on this online, so that on Tuesday you can polish and rehearse.
Checkpoint daily grade: I need to conference with every group before the end of the period. I will be checking for grammar structure, agreement, verb usage, etc. 1 completed verse: 70 2 completed verses: 80 3 completed verses: 90 Finished by end of class, with minimal mistakes: 100