This week in Writing we learned: This week in Reading we: “In the Shade” Weekly Newsletter The week of: November 6th, 2017 Math Writing Related addition and subtraction sentences Fact Families Missing Addends End of Module Review (Test on Monday!) Throughout the week, students will be sent home with exit tickets. After each lesson, students complete an exit ticket to show their understanding of that day’s lesson. At the top, they will receive a +,check, or -…+ means the student showed full understanding. “Check” means they understood for the most part, and – means they need extra support for Ms. Shade This week in Writing we learned: What different punctuation marks means How do we add appropriate punctuation in our writing? Started learning about adjectives: What they are/why they are used/how to use them in our writing Continued working on our letter writing skills by writing thank you letters Practiced writing about the sun and moon Reading Extra Info This week in Reading we: Bossy E Multiple word families; -at, -ad, -an How to accurately and effectively retell a story: We practiced with Curious George and will continue practicing with other books tomorrow Syllables Reading to self stamina Happy Veteran's Day! Thank you for all who have served and continue to serve! email: