Soar store Open Wednesdays 7:15 – 7:30
Box Tops
POP Tabs
Monday, Dec. the 4th - Friday, Dec. 8th. FOOD Drive We will be holding a food drive Monday, Dec. the 4th - Friday, Dec. 8th. Collections will be made by your first core class. The class that has the most donations will receive a donut party. 1 per grade level.
availability Please note that all items are subject to change and could be out of stock
Order forms If you are unable to go to the store ask your Hawk time teacher for an order form and fill it out. Attach your soar tickets to the form and turn into hawk time teacher or mrs. blanchard
Post it notes 6
Locker magnet 8
Gel Pens 8
Pencil sharpener 6
Mini Note pads 10
Mechanical pencil 6
Pencils 2
Key chains 8
Compass key chains 8
Highlighters 6
Erasers and eraser tops 4/2
Bracelet 6
Hoyt cup 10
Hair spray 10
Body spray boy/girl 10