\ Mrs. Cauble’s Class
Email ccauble@tusd.net School phone number 209-830-3331 Remind Contact Information Email ccauble@tusd.net School phone number 209-830-3331 Remind
Peanuts Due to numerous students with peanut/nut allergies, we CAN NOT have or serve food with peanuts/nuts at school.
Notebooks Students need to have a notebook for each subject. All class notes are taken in notebooks. Notebooks are collected and given a grade. Incomplete or missing notebooks will effect the overall grade in each subject.
Homework Homework is given Monday through Thursday nights to reinforce curriculum taught in school. Students should have an hours worth of homework per day. Homework is due first thing every school day. If homework is not completed, the student will call home. Please DO NOT bring the work they left at home! They will spend the morning recess on the wall, allowing them time to finish incomplete assignments. If incomplete work becomes a habit, additional actions may become necessary.
Late Work Unless a student is absent, work must be turned in on time. Late work will not be given full credit. In the third trimester late work will not be accepted for any reason other than school absence.
Writing Students will be writing every day! Essays may be typed, but parents need to write a note saying the student typed it.
Reports Students will research and write several reports this year. Students will receive an information sheet with the criteria for the report. Research reports will be given with plenty of time to complete them, usually two weeks. Reports may require additional time at night or on the weekends.
Agenda It is your child’s responsibility to write in his/her agenda every day! All assignments from the day will be written in the Agenda; finished or not!
Honor roll Honor roll is based on grades. 3.0-3.49 Honor Roll 3.5-4.0 Principle’s Honor Roll No N’s on report card- including music, PE, and behavior grades! Each grade is assigned a point value. A-4 points B-3 points C-2 points D- 1 point All points are averaged
Curriculum Changes standards have changed- no integers, division no algorithm Try to get students to understand why the answer is correct, not necessarily how to get the answer. Language Arts- more expository reading, comparing text Use of grammar in their writing rather than in isolation. New science – NGSS- new standards and a different way of teaching science.
Cell Phones Many students have cell phones. They may bring the phone to school as long as it is not seen or heard. Student are not to use cell phones during school hours. No calls No texting No pictured/videos If this policy is violated, I will take the phone. It will be returned at the end of the school day.
Birthdays and Parties Due to numerous students with peanut/nut allergies, we are now an “outside- food- free” school. This means no birthday treats or food at parties. Please feel free to help us celebrate your child’s birthday in a different way; stickers, cool pencils, maybe a special activity? If you are interested in planning or assisting with class parties, please let me know.
Graduation We do not have a 5th grade graduation. We have an end of the year celebration on the last day of school.
Toys All toys, including balls, electronic devices, and trading cards are not allowed at school. If I see a toy I will give the student the opportunity to put the toy in their backpack. If the toy is a continued distraction, I will take it. The child may get the toy back at the end of the day. If toys continue to be a problem, I will take them and a parent may pick them up from me.
Wish Lists Spiral notebooks Printer paper Binder paper Pencils, pens, and erasers Glue sticks Tissues Ziplock bags Diaper wipes